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running configuration wizard
running configuration wizard
Running the Configuration Wizard

Upon activating CardioLog, the Configuration Wizard will be displayed. This wizard will help you configure the SharePoint Tracking Agent, a tool designed to monitor visitor behavior in SharePoint, and the SharePoint Adaptor, which configures the structure for your SharePoint portal. Additionally you can start the wizard at any time to reconfigure your system by going Administration in the navigation pane and opening System Configuration. Select Configuration Wizard to initialize the system. 


  1. Launch CardioLog.
  2. In the Welcome dialog, select the desired interface language and date format, and your SharePoint version, then click Next.
    Image Removed
    Image Added
    Configuration Wizard Step 1

  3. Anchor
    configure tracking code
    configure tracking code
    Step 2 of the Configuration Wizard, SharePoint Online Usage Tracking, can be performed either automatically or manually. Please select only one option to configure the Tracking Agent.

    Image Removed

    Configuration Wizard Step 2a

    Click Next to continue, which will start the event collection test.
    Image Removed
    Configuration Wizard Step 2 Installation
    Follow the steps listed and click Next Step upon completing each instruction in the dialog.

    (1) Automatically add the JavaScript tracking code to all SharePoint pages served by the WFEs by deploying the CardioLog tracking code through a SharePoint solution.

    (2) Automatically add the JavaScript tracking code to all SharePoint pages served by the WFEs by adding the tracking code to init.js in SharePoint 2010/13/16/19, and core.js in SharePoint 2007 (recommended for test environments only).

    (3) Manually add the JavaScript tracking code.

    deploy sharepoint
    deploy sharepoint
    (1) Deploying the 'CardioLog Analytics' SharePoint Feature
    CardioLog provides a streamlined solution (cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp) for installing the JavaScript tracking code on all of your SharePoint farm pages. This SharePoint solution includes a farm-scoped feature named CardioLog Analytics, which can be activated or deactivated using SharePoint's Central Administration.
    Note: Confirm that you have administrator permissions for your SharePoint farm, SharePoint application server and Web Front End server before configuring your servers.

      1. In the Usage Tracking dialog, select "Yes, install and activate CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature" and enter the SharePoint application server machine name:

        Image Modified
        Step 2 - Usage Tracking

      2. Click 
      1. Next to continue.
      2. Wait while the wizard installs the cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp solution file, deploys the solution throughout all web front ends, and activates the CardioLog Analytics feature. If this step fails, please see "CardioLog Analytics" SharePoint Feature Manual Installation Procedure.

        Image Added
        Configuration Wizard Step 2 Installation 

        To confirm the solution has deployed properly,

    go to SharePoint 2013, and navigate to Central
      1. navigate to SharePoint Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions

        sp2013_solutions.jpgImage Modified

      1. Central Administration - Solution Management

        In the Solution Properties window, click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp and verify that the solution was successfully deployed to all web front ends.

        sp2013_solution.jpgImage Modified


      1. Central Administration - Solution Properties

        To view the deployed solution in SharePoint 2010, go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions

        solutions.pngImage Modified
        SharePoint 2010 - Solution Management

        In the Solution Properties window, click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp and verify that the solution was successfully deployed to all web front ends.

        soution_status.pngImage Modified
        SharePoint 2010 - Solution Properties

        To view the deployed solution in MOSS 2007, go to Central Administration > Operations > Solution Management

        Solution_Management-2007.pngImage Modified
        MOSS 2007 - Solution Management

        In the Solution Properties window, click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp and verify that the solution was successfully deployed to all web front ends.

        Solution_Properties-2007.pngImage Modified
        MOSS 2007 - Solution Properties

        Activate/Deactivate Data Collection

        The CardioLog Analytics feature is automatically activated and starts data collection immediately upon installation. The CardioLog Analytics solution may also be manually deactivated and reactivated.


      1.  Deactivating the solution will stop all data collection until reactivated.

        To deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature

    in SharePoint 2013,
      1. go to SharePoint Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm features

        sp2013_features.jpgImage Modified

      1. Central Administration - Manage farm features

        To deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature in SharePoint 2010, go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm features

        feature_activate.pngImage Modified
        SharePoint 2010 - Manage farm features

        To deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature in MOSS 2007, go to Central Administration > Operations > Manage farm features

        Manage_Farm_Features-2007.pngImage Modified
        MOSS 2007 - Manage farm features

        Note: The CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature will work only for master pages which contain the following control in the head section:

        <SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="AdditionalPageHead" AllowMultipleControls="true"/>

        This control is included in the master pages for all SharePoint templates, except the MOSS 2007 Publishing Site master page. Add this control to all MOSS 2007 Publishing Site master pages, right before the closing </HEAD> tag. Alternatively, you can also use a top master file, which is included in all of the Publishing Sites master pages, in order to perform a single update.


    auto add java
    auto add java
    (2) Automatically add the JavaScript tracking code

    Notes: This step should be done for each WFE. The CardioLog service account must have write permissions to the SharePoint template directory: 
    [SharePoint 2016 Server]\%PROGRAMFILES%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\16\TEMPLATE
    [SharePoint 2013 Server]\%PROGRAMFILES%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15\TEMPLATE
    [SharePoint 2010 Server]\%PROGRAMFILES%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\14\TEMPLATE
    [SharePoint 2007 Server]\%PROGRAMFILES%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE 

      1. In the Usage Tracking dialog, select "Yes, add the tracking code to my SharePoint INIT.JS files" and enter the SharePoint WFE server names, to allow CardioLog to automatically add the tracking code to all SharePoint pages served by the all the WFEs in your farm (the tracking code is added to init.js in SharePoint 2010, SharePoint 2013 and SharePoint

      1. 2016, and core.js in SharePoint 2007). 
        If your SharePoint website runs on SSL, you will have to create a certificate for the CardioLog website and configure it to enable SSL.

    Alternatively, you can install the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature
      1. See how to configure the Tracking Agent with SSL for more details.
        Alternatively, you can install the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature

        Image Modified

        Step 2 - Usage Tracking Installation Options

    Click Next

      1. Enter the WFE server names and click on Add.
      2. Click Next to continue.

    manually add java
    manually add java
    (3) Manually Add a JavaScript tracking Code

    If you wish to add the tracking code yourself - select "No, I will add the tracking code myself." and copy the JavaScript tracking code to a common page component of your choice, including master pages, page toolbars, Web Parts, headers or footers. If you choose a common JavaScript (.js) file, verify you have removed the opening and closing <script> tags


  1. , or you will not be able to correctly collect usage data.

  2. Click Next to continue, which will start the event collection test.

  3. In order to verify that your SharePoint pages are tracked, follow these steps:
    1. Open a new browser window and click Next Step.
    2. Delete your browser temporary internet files and click Next Step.
    3. Browse
    through at least
    1. 3 pages on your SharePoint Online website and click Next Step.
    2. Click Test Event Collection. The Wizard will now verify usage events tracking.

    Image Added
    Step 2 - Usage Tracking


    1. Navigate to your SharePoint Online site homepage with Internet Explorer, Chrome, or FireFox.
    2. Press Ctrl+F5 to clear the cache and reload the page.
    3. While on the SharePoint website page, click Ctrl+F12. The tracking agent console should pop-up, displaying the ID number for the most recent monitored action (event). To close the console, press Ctrl+F12.
  4. Anchor
    configure tree structure
    configure tree structure
    In the 
    SharePoint Adaptor dialog, enter the SQL server instance name and the SharePoint configuration database name for your farm. Specify the authentication method used to connect to the database, then click Next.
    Note: In order to edit the tracking code, you will need to be assigned the SharePoint Administrator role in Office 365 Admin Center, found under Customized Administrator when editing User Roles in MS Office 365 Please confirm that the CardioLog service account has read permissions (data reader) for all SharePoint configuration and content databases.

    Image Modified
    Step 3 - SharePoint Adaptor

  5. In the SharePoint Adaptor dialog, select the SharePoint website(s) you would like to report on. 
  6. Enter the name of one of your SharePoint Web Front Ends, then click Next.
    Note: Loading your SharePoint tree structure may take several minutes, depending on the number of items in the selected web sites.

    Image Modified
    Step 3 - SharePoint Adaptor Web Site Selection

  7. In the SharePoint Adaptor dialog, expand the web site tree and verify that it shows your desired SharePoint web application, then click Next.
  8. In the Usage Data Processing dialog, wait until the CardioLog Scheduling has activated, then click Next.

    Config Wizard Step 4a.pngImage Added 
    Configuration Wizard Step 4 - Usage Data Processing
  9. In the Finish dialog, you should be created with a confirmation that everything has been properly configured, and then you can click Finish. Click Show Raw Usage Data to view the usage events collected thus far. All data will be available in reports within the next hour.

    Config Wizard Step 4b.pngImage Added 
    Configuration Wizard - Finish
  10. Assign roles for users to grant access to CardioLog.
  11. Configure email alerts for scheduled services and event collection thresholds that will be sent to the administrator in case of system failure.
  12. Configure the Active Directory Update Service in order to segment authenticated visitors by their user names and their groups.


By default, the CardioLog Tracking Agent tracks document usage for documents which are accessed through the browser. This is achieved by tracking browser clicks in document libraries (which are not displayed in Explorer view). In order to track document access from non-browser sources - such as Windows Explorer or Office, you need to install the CardioLog HttpModule for SharePoint.



      <add name="CardioLogHttpModule" type="CardioLog.HttpModules.EventsModule,CardioLogHttpModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=56b51e29d93ab3fb" />


      <add name="CardioLogHttpModule" type="CardioLog.HttpModules.EventsModule,CardioLogHttpModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=56b51e29d93ab3fb" />


    <add key="CardioLog.Events.DocExtensions" value=".doc*.docx*.ppt*.pptx*.pps*.ppsx*.txt*.pdf*.xlr*.xls*.xlsx*.log*.msg*.odt*.rtf*.csv*"/>
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.ExcludeUserAgents" value="Microsoft Office Existence Discovery*"/>
    <add key="CardioLog.API.EventsServiceUrl" value="http://<CardioLog server>:<port>/CardioLogAPI/Events.asmx"/>
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.LogFile" value="C:\CardioLogHttpModule.log"/>
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.LogLevel" value="None"/><!--None,Error,Message-->
    <add key="CardioLog.Events.SharePointVersion" value="2013"/>
Optional keys: 
<!--  Support claims based authentication  -->


  • CardioLog.Events.SharePointVersion - the SharePoint version (2007/2010/2013)
  • CardioLog.Events.DocExtensions - a list of star separated file extensions you want to track
    Note: Make sure to enter all relevant document types in the "CardioLog.Events.DocExtensions" key (There's no need to add ".aspx", ".asp", ".php", ".htm" as they are included by default). You can use the Document Types CardioLog Report located in the Portal Growth folder of the Report Center navigation pane to see all document types included in your SharePoint environment.
  • CardioLog.Events.LogFile - log file location
  • CardioLog.API.EventsServiceUrl -  modify the CardioLog server name and port


[Installation directory] - By default, the CardioLogAgent folder is located in the CardioLog Installation folder. If the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint feature is installed, the CardioLogAgent folder should be located on all SharePoint WFEs under the SharePoint website "_layouts" folder.

Note: In you have multiple servers in your SharePoint farm, consider using the HttpModule as a farm scoped SharePoint solution. SharePoint has a dedicated class that deals with Web.config issues and handles rollback and recovery, and ensures that all sites are configured the same way.


 In order to monitor an additional web application in your existing farm, please do the following:

  1. Add the required SQL permissions to the CardioLog service account - db_datareader for the SharePoint portal content database.
  2. In the Administration pane, click System Configuration, and then select SharePoint Tree Adaptor.
  3. Click on your SharePoint farm and select the web application/s you want to monitor.
  4. Click Save
  5. In versions lower than, add the portal root URL to the "includedWebApps" key in the <CardioLog Installation Folder>\SP20XXTree\web.config file (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010, 13 for SharePoint 2013).
  6. Restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service. The tree structure will be refreshed the next day.
  7. If you are using the CardioLog Analytics tracking feature or if you have configured the CardioLogAgent web application on the SharePoint WFEs, open the new web application in IIS Manager and verify that the CardioLogAgent folder under the "_layouts" directory is configured as a web application (if not, right click on it and select "Convert to Application").
  8. Verify data collection from the new web application.


In order to monitor multiple SharePoint farms per adaptor, please do the following:


  • Name - This is the title of the farm folder which will be displayed in the CardioLog tree structure in the Analysis Center. Example: "SharePoint 2013"
  • Server Name - The primary server CardioLog is enabled on
  • Database Server - The SharePoint database instance name.
  • SharePoint Configuration Database Name - The SharePoint configuration database name. Example: "SharePoint_Config"
  • Authentication - Database authentication type. Click Set to choose between Windows Integrated and SQL Server Authentication).
  • SharePoint TEMPLATE Directory - This is the full path for the SharePoint 'TEMPLATE' directory. Example: "\\<sharepoint server name>\C$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\XX\TEMPLATE\" (XX - 12 for MOSS 2007, 14 for SharePoint 2010, 15 for SharePoint 2013)
  • Advanced Settings - Select the additional import and transfer preferences you would like to include.


In <CardioLog Installation Folder>\SP20XXTree\web.config (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007; 10 for SharePoint 2010; 13 for SharePoint 2013), add the following keys to the <appSettings> section with the "profile_1_ "prefix (additional farms are considered additional profiles):

  • profile_1_includedWebApps - this is a star separated list of web applications (virtual servers) to include in the tree.
  • profile_1_SharePointTemplatePath - this is the full path for the SharePoint 'TEMPLATE' directory (XX - 12 for MOSS 2007, 14 for SharePoint 2010, 15 for SharePoint 2013)
  • profile_1_FarmFolderName - Optional. This is the title of the farm folder which will be displayed in the CardioLog tree structure in the Analysis Center.
  • profile_1_outputFilePath - this is the full path of the CardioLog installation folder 'Logs' directory which will store the tree structure output file (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007, 10 for SharePoint 2010, 13 for SharePoint 2013).


<add key="profile_1_includedWebApps" value="http:// <sharepoint server name>:<port>*" />
<add key="profile_1_SharePointTemplatePath" value="\\<sharepoint server name>\C$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\XX\TEMPLATE\" /> 

<add key="profile_1_FarmFolderName" value="SharePoint 2010" />

<add key="profile_1_outputFilePath" value="<CardioLog installation folder>\CardioLogScheduleServices\Logs\SP20XXTree_1.xml" />


Add the following keys to the <connectionStrings> section:

  • profile_1_configDB - this is the connection string for the SharePoint configuration database.
  • profile_1_contentDB - this is a place holder for creating connection strings to the SharePoint content databases. Note: Leave "Initial Catalog={0};Data Source={1} " as it is.


<add name="profile_1_configDB" connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=<sharepoint config database name>;Data Source=<database server name>" />
<add name="profile_1_contentDB" connectionString="Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog={0};Data Source={1}" />


Go to Administration > CardioLog Scheduling Service > Portal Tree Updates and add the new profile to the Portal Tree Updates web services list:

http://<CardioLogServer>:<port>/SP20XXTree/default.aspx?profile=1&output=file&logFilePath=[CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\Logs\SP20XXTree_1.xml (XX - 07 for MOSS 2007; 10 for SharePoint 2010; 13 for SharePoint 2013)

Restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service. The tree structure will be by the next day.

Note: In order to add multiple farms, use a unique number when identifying the profile name. ie. profile_2_, profile_3_ , and so on.



To improve performance, CardioLog caches the results for each reporting query according to the specific report filter and date range used. In the Cache Configuration page, you can define the amount of time queries are cached, and clear the entire reporting cache.
