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Questions or ConcernsSolutions

How can I monitor an additional web application in my SharePoint farm?

To monitor an additional web application in your existing farm please follow the instructions in Configuring Usage Tracking and Reporting.

When I run the IIS Logs Import, I get the following error, "Cannot run process cmd.exe: Cannot open : Error opening files: Error opening file 'C:\inetpub\logs\LogFiles\W3SVC1\ex110101.log': The system cannot find the file specified. "

This issue occurs when running a 32-bit version in 64-bit systems. Ideally, upgrade to the latest 64-bit release version.

In order to workaround this issue, edit the CardioLog machine registry (and the CardioLog Installation key): 
Copy: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Intlock\CardioLog 

Why do I get "Missing or invalid product license" error, even though my license is valid?

If your version is lower than, browse to CardioLog > Administration > CardioLog Scheduling Service, Click on each one of the service components and verify that none of the services schedule type is set to "Once".

Restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service.

The CardioLog Scheduling Service is started but all the jobs fail. Why do I see the "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation" error in my log file.

This error usually occurs when:
  1. The CardioLog Scheduling Service login account is "Local System" by default. When the login account does not have the required permissions, the error message "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation." will appear. To resolve this, set the CardioLog Scheduling Service login account to an account which has the required permissions.
  2. The CardioLog application and the CardioLog database are hosted on the same machine. When the CardioLog Scheduling Service starts before the SQL service starts, if both are running on the same machine, the "Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation." error is logged. To resolve this, set the CardioLog Scheduling Service to Automatic, with a Delayed Start, or add a dependency using the following command (execute in command line): 
sc config "CardioLog Scheduling Service" depend= MSSQLSERVER

Why are my SharePoint Publishing Sites not being tracked when using the "CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature"

The CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature will work only for master pages which contain the following control in the head section: 
<SharePoint:DelegateControl runat="server" ControlId="AdditionalPageHead" AllowMultipleControls="true"/>

This control is included in the master pages for all SharePoint templates, except for the MOSS Publishing Site master page.

Add this control to each of your master pages, right before the closing </HEAD> tag. Alternatively, you can perform a single update, by using a top master file which is included in all of the Publishing Sites master pages.

Why do I get the error "Error: trying to remove main branch, persist stopped" when running Portal Tree Updates?

This is a safety mechanism which is triggered in order to prevent the removal of a monitored environment from CardioLog (eg. a SharePoint farm, a custom website). It is raised when removing a tree adaptor web service URL from the web services list in Portal Tree Updates service configuration.

If you wish to bypass the safety mechanism and remove a monitored environment (eg. a main tree branch in the CardioLog tree structure), follow these steps:

  1. Execute the following query against the CardioLog database:

    SELECT [url],[location]
    FROM [CardioLog].[dbo].[tab_sharepoint_tree]
    WHERE LEN(location) = 12

  2. Copy the [location] value of the monitored environment you wish to remove from the above query. Place it in the following query (replace 'location to remove' with the actual value):

    INSERT INTO [CardioLog].[dbo].[tab_exclude_main_branches]
    ('location to remove here')
  3. Run the Portal Tree Updates service.

Note: The monitored environment you have removed will be marked as deleted in the CardioLog tree structure. In order to view history usage data in reports for it, go to the Analysis Center and click Show Deleted Items.The removed monitored environment tree branch will appear in red in the tree structure and will be available for reporting.

Why do I get the error "Navigation to the webpage was canceled" when exporting a report to PDF?

When exporting a report to PDF and opening the PDF file, you may encounter the "Navigation to the webpage was cancelled" error. 

The export operation is executed on the CardioLog server. It opens a web browser object with the report, takes a screenshot of it and saves it as a PDF file. This process can fail if the report URL is inaccessible locally on the CardioLog server, due to insufficient permissions or security restrictions.

In order to resolve the issue, open [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLog\web.config and edit the following key value: 

<add key="CardioLogPDFRoot" value="http://[CardioLog Host Name]:[CardioLog Port Number]/" />

[CardioLog Host Name] - the CardioLog server name
[CardioLog Port Number] - the CardioLog port number (the default port is 29999)

Change the [CardioLog Host Name] value to "localhost",  CardioLog server IP or to the CardioLog server name including the fully qualified domain name and try the export again.

If this did not resolve the error, try the following steps:

  1. Verify that the CardioLog application pool user has local administrator permissions, and that there are no group policy settings or security restrictions (popup blockers, proxy rules, disable scripts etc.) on the CardioLog server default browser. 
  2. Turn off User Account Control (UAC) on the CardioLog server. To do this: Open the system Control Panel > System and Security > Change User Account Control Settings > Adjust it to "Never Notify"
  3. Make sure to have all CardioLog URLs (localhost, IP, server name, FQDN) in Trusted Sites both in server and client. If the CardioLog server's default browser is Internet Explorer, go to Internet Options, and in the Security tab, uncheck "Enable Protected Mode" and lower "Security Level For This Zone". Close IE. 
  4. In order to test the Export to PDF exe: 
    • Log in to the CardioLog server with the CardioLog user account and open CMD.
    • Change directory to [CardioLog installation folder]\CardioLog\Data\ExportToPdf 
    • Execute the following command:

      ExportToPDF.exe "
      http://[CardioLog Host Name]:[CardioLog Port Number]/CardioLog/clreport/index.aspx?action=open^^entityId=[Report EntityID]^^" "C:\Program^Files\Intlock\CardioLog\CardioLog\Data\ExportToPDF\temp\export_pdf_test.pdf" 

      [CardioLog Host Name]:[CardioLog Port Number] - should be the same value as in the "CardioLogPDFRoot" key in the CardioLog\web.config file.
      [Report EntityID] - Report Ids can be found in the CardioLog database, in the tab_virtual_tree table - EntityId column. You can also select a report in the CardioLog UI, click Browse and get the entity id from the URL.

      A pdf file named "pdf_test.pdf" will be created in the following location: [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLog\Data\ExportToPdf\Temp
Please contact Intlock Support if you need any further assistance.

Why do I get the error "Server Error in '/CardioLog' Application - Access is denied." when I open Administration > System Diagnostics?


First, verify that the CardioLog application user account has local administrator permissions on the CardioLog application server and has permissions for starting and stopping the CardioLog services.

Secondly, open IIS Manager and navigate to IIS > Connections > Application Pools > Actions > Stop, and restart the CardioLogApplicationPool.

What is my product version number?

To determine your product version, in the navigation pane, open Administration, and click Product License. This page also displays all features available to you.

Why does the 'Last Event #' in the tracking agent display as 'None' or 'N/A'?

In order to more easily manage data collection issues, please see Troubleshooting Usage Data Collection Issues in Troubleshooting The Tracking Agents.

Why do I get the error "A configuration error has occurred." on my SharePoint WFEs?

The following error may occur on the SharePoint WFEs Event Log when installing the CardioLog Analytics Tracking Agent Feature:

A configuration error has occurred. 
6/17/2013 3:01:05 PM 
C:\inetpub\wwwroot\wss\VirtualDirectories\SharePoint - 80\ 

It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. (C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\template\layouts\cardiologagent\web.config line 36) 

at System.Configuration.ConfigurationSchemaErrors.ThrowIfErrors(Boolean ignoreLocal) at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.GetSectionRecursive(String configKey, Boolean getLkg, Boolean checkPermission, Boolean getRuntimeObject, Boolean requestIsHere, Object& result, Object& resultRuntimeObject) at System.Configuration.BaseConfigurationRecord.GetSection(String configKey) at System.Web.Configuration.RuntimeConfig.GetSectionObject(String sectionName) at System.Web.Configuration.RuntimeConfig.GetSection(String sectionName, Type type, ResultsIndex index) at System.Web.Configuration.RuntimeConfig.get_Identity() at System.Web.HttpContext.SetImpersonationEnabled() at System.Web.HttpRuntime.ProcessRequestNotificationPrivate(IIS7WorkerRequest wr, HttpContext context)


These errors may appear when the CardioLogAgent web application under the SharePoint website /_layouts folder in IIS is not configured as a web application.

In order to resolve it, open IIS Manager > Right click the CardioLogAgent directory located under the SharePoint website (http://sharepoint in this example) /_layouts folder and select "Convert to Application"