Page History
- Restore the CardioLog database from backup.
- Replace the CardioLog Installation Folder and Tracking Agent Folder with the folders from backup.
- Restore the CardioLog website settings in IIS:
- Open IIS, click on Application Pools, add an application pool named CardioLogApplicationPool with ASP.NET version to 4.0 and Integrated managed pipeline mode.
- Open the application pool advanced settings and set the identity to the CardioLog service account.
- Click on Sites and add a website named CardioLog, select the CardioLogApplicationPool and set the physical path to the CardioLog Installation Folder.
- Set the website bindings from backup (by default the type is http and the port is 29999).
- Click on the CardioLog website, select Authentication, enable Windows Authentication and disable Anonymous access.
- Convert the following directories under the CardioLog website to web applications:
- Click on the EventCollector web application, select Authentication, enable Anonymous access and disable Windows Authentication.
- Reinstall the CardioLog Windows Services:
Open Windows PowerShell and run the following commands (edit the CardioLog Installation Folder path):
Info icon false New-Service -Name "CardioLog Scheduling Service" -BinaryPathName "C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog\CardioLogScheduleServices\CardioLog.Services.exe"
New-Service -Name "CardioLog Diagnostics Service" -BinaryPathName "C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog\CardioLogMonitoringServices\CardioLog.System.Monitoring.Services.exe"
Open Windows Services, right click on the CardioLog Scheduling Service and select Properties.
- Click on the Log On tab, select This account and set the CardioLog service account credentials.
- Start the service.
- Repeat steps 4.b - 4.d for the CardioLog Diagnostics Service.