In case the upgrade procedure of CardioLog Analytics fails and you would like to rollback to the previous version, please follow the steps in this guide. 

Rollback Prerequisites

Make sure you have a full backup of the following:

  • CardioLog Database
  • CardioLog Installation Folder (by default it is located on the CardioLog application server in C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog)
  • CardioLog Tracking Agent Folder (by default it is located on the SharePoint WFEs in C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent)
  • CardioLog website bindings in IIS
  • CardioLog service account credentials

Rollback Procedure

In order to rollback the CardioLog Analytics version to an older version from backup, follow the below steps:
Note: Data collection will not be available until steps 1 - 3 below are completed.

  1. Restore the CardioLog database from backup.
  2. Replace the CardioLog Installation Folder and Tracking Agent Folder with the folders from backup.
  3. Restore the CardioLog website settings in IIS:
    1. Open IIS, click on Application Pools, add an application pool named CardioLogApplicationPool with ASP.NET version to 4.0 and Integrated managed pipeline mode. 
    2. Open the application pool advanced settings and set the identity to the CardioLog service account.
    3. Click on Sites and add a website named CardioLog, select the CardioLogApplicationPool and set the physical path to the CardioLog Installation Folder.
    4. Set the website bindings from backup (by default the type is http and the port is 29999).   
    5. Click on the CardioLog website, select Authentication, enable Windows Authentication and disable Anonymous access.
    6. Convert the following directories under the CardioLog website to web applications:
    7. Click on the EventCollector web application, select Authentication, enable Anonymous access and disable Windows Authentication.
  4. Reinstall the CardioLog Windows Services:
    1. Open Windows PowerShell and run the following commands (edit the CardioLog Installation Folder path):

      New-Service -Name "CardioLog Scheduling Service" -BinaryPathName "C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog\CardioLogScheduleServices\CardioLog.Services.exe"

      New-Service -Name "CardioLog Diagnostics Service" -BinaryPathName "C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog\CardioLogMonitoringServices\CardioLog.System.Monitoring.Services.exe"

    2. Open Windows Services, right click on the CardioLog Scheduling Service and select Properties.

    3. Click on the Log On tab, select This account and set the CardioLog service account credentials.
    4. Start the service.
    5. Repeat steps 4.b - 4.d for the CardioLog Diagnostics Service.


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