This report lists the top Sitrion Campaign Centers, based on the number of campaigns, ideas, votes and comments.

An activity is defined as a campaign or idea that has been created or voted on, or comments that have been made on an idea. You can select which activities to include in the chart for analysis in the "Group By" tab within the widget preferences. You can select to include published and unpublished campaigns, or both, in the"Advanced" tab within the widget preferences.

Additionally you can drill down on a campaign center to see its most popular campaigns.



Available Report Widgets

Table, Chart

The Chart widget displays the number of campaigns added to Sitrion in regular intervals, within a specific time range.

Table Widget

The Campaign Center Activity table widget contains the following columns:

  • Title - The name of the campaign center
  • Campaigns - The total number of campaigns within the campaign center
  • Ideas - The total number of ideas posted within the campaign center
  • Votes - The total number of votes collected within the campaign center
  • Comments - The total number of comments on all posts within the campaign center
  • No labels