If you have an instance of your CardioLog database already configured on a specific server, you can transfer the database and application to a new server when needed. This page describes the process for most configurations.


How to Migrate the CardioLog Database

To migrate the CardioLog database to another server, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that there is a full backup of the CardioLog database on a separate drive.
  2. Stop the CardioLog windows services including CardioLog Diagnostics Service and CardioLog Scheduling Service on the CardioLog application server.
  3. Stop IIS on the CardioLog application server to stop data collection and HTTP requests to the CardioLog application during the move.
  4. Detach the CardioLog database from the origin server.
  5. Copy the database files (data + log) to the destination server.
  6. Attach the CardioLog database to the destination server.
  7. Edit the following CardioLog registry key accordingly:
  8. Edit the database connection string in the following configuration files. The files should be located in the CardioLog Installation Folder. The default path is C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog:
  9. Edit the database connection string in the configuration file located in the CardioLog Installation Folder. The default path is C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog

  10. Restart both CardioLog Windows services, CardioLog Diagnostics Service and CardioLog Scheduling Service, on the CardioLog application server.
  11. Start IIS on the CardioLog application server.

How to Migrate the CardioLog Application

If you have not upgraded your product to the latest release yet, it is highly recommended to do so prior to migrating the CardioLog application. 
Contact us to receive the latest CardioLog installer. Find out more about the latest version by viewing our site and our knowledge base
To find out what is current your product version, go to Administration in the navigation pane and click Product License.

To migrate the CardioLog application to another server, using the existing database, follow these steps:

  1. Export the CardioLog registry key to a *.reg file:
  2. Edit the CardioLog registry key (*.reg file):

    "DATABASEINSTANCE"="[database server name]"

    "TARGETDIR"="[CardioLog Installation Folder]"

      [database server name] - The database server name that currently hosts the CardioLog database.
      [CardioLog Installation Folder] - Edit the installation folder path to match the path that the CardioLog application will be installed on, on the new server.

  3. Import the CardioLog registry key to the new server by copying the *.reg file to the new server and double clicking on it.
  4. Disable both CardioLog windows services, CardioLog Diagnostics Service and CardioLog Scheduling Service, on the old CardioLog application server.
  5. Run the CardioLog installer on the new server using the credentials of your CardioLog service account. Follow the Installation Wizard steps.
  6. Contact us to receive the required licenses for the new server and apply them using the License Admin tool (copy the Microsoft.Licensing.LicAdmin.exe tool from [CardioLog Installation Directory]\Setup Files\SLPS\ to [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\ and execute it from there).
  7. In the CardioLog database, edit the server name in the tab_management and tab_global_settings tables by executing the following SQL script (edit the old and new CardioLog server name):

    Use CardioLog

    declare @oldName varchar(max) = 'CardioLog old machine name'; declare @newName varchar(max) = 'CardioLog new machine name'; --== 1. tab_management table update tab_management set url = replace(url, @oldName, @newName), serverName = @newName; --== 2. Global settings --== 2.1. CardioLog.Host exec [dbo].[stp_global_settings_upsert] @Category = 'CardioLog', @Name = 'Host', @Value = @newName, @ReplaceIfExists = 1; --== 2.2. PdfExport.CardioLogPdfRoot declare @value varchar(max) = (select Value from tab_global_settings where Category = 'PdfExport' and Name = 'CardioLogPdfRoot'); if (@value is not null) begin set @value = replace(@value, @oldName, @newName); update tab_global_settings set Value = @value where Category = 'PdfExport' and Name = 'CardioLogPdfRoot'; end
    --== 3. tab_agent_params table
    update tab_agent_params
    set str1 = replace(str1, @oldName, @newName) 
    where AgentId in (2,4,6)
  8. If you have implemented the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature on your Web Front Ends (WFEs), edit all instances of the CardioLog server name (eg., http://[CardioLog server name:port]/ ) in the /_layouts/CardioLogAgent/web.config file, located on the SharePoint WFEs respectively:

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent\web.config

    Otherwise, edit the CardioLog Java Script tracking code embedded within a common Java Script file, located on your SharePoint WFEs. The code is located at the end of the file, between the comments: //Intlock tracking code start and  //Intlock tracking code end

    For MOSS 2007 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\core.js

    For SharePoint 2010 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\init.js

    For SharePoint 2013 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\init.js

    For SharePoint 2016 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\16\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\init.js

  9. If you have implemented the CardioLog HTTP Module for SharePoint on your Web Front Ends (WFEs), for each web site, modify the SharePoint Web.config file and edit the CardioLog server name (eg., http://[CardioLog server name:port]/ )  in the following key value:

    <add key="CardioLog.API.EventsServiceUrl" value="http://[CardioLog server:port]/CardioLogAPI/Events.asmx"/> 

How to Configure CardioLog When Migrating a SharePoint Farm

To configure the CardioLog application when migrating a SharePoint Farm from one location to another, follow these steps:

Configure the SharePoint Farm Tree Structure

  1. In the Administration pane, click System Configuration, and then select SharePoint Tree Adaptor.
  2. Select your SharePoint farm and edit the configuration settings accordingly (for more details see this guide for SharePoint 2013 or lower or this guide for SharePoint 2016 or higher). 

Configure Event Collection

Install the CardioLog Analytics Tracking Agent feature on the migrated farm as detailed in this guide