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The CardioLog SaaS Tracking Agent offers a client-side API to send custom events using JavaScript, such as button clicks, banner clicks, navigation links or interactions with other UI components that display content dynamically (without redirecting to the actual content page URL). 

The sendEvent JavaScript Function

You can call the sendEvent JavaScript function on any monitored page in SharePoint (which includes the CardioLog SaaS Tracking Agent) to send events to CardioLog SaaS via the client browser. 

* @method sendEvent
* @param {JSON object} data
* @param {Function} [optional] function to be executed after the event is sent
CardioLogAgent.API.sendEvent(data, eventCallback);

The sendEvent function accepts the following parameters:

data - Required. The event data in JSON format. For example:

eventCallback - Optional. Function to be executed after the event is sent.


Parameter Name



Max Data Length




Event name. Mandatory.

50 chars

"Pageview", "Search", "Search Result Click", "External Click", "Search Result Preview", "Duration", "Custom Event"



Event ID.

10 chars




Related Event Id (ID of previous 'Pageview' event).

10 chars




Session Id. Should be same for all events within same browser session.

10 chars




Full user account name.

256 chars




Full URL path where the event occurred on or derived from:
1. If URL has more than 1 query parameter, limit them to one
2. If it's a document - then it should be the document URL

1000 chars


qsstringQueryString of URL2000 chars"?id=1&q=2#s=1"



Client time.


 "2019-04-22 16:59:57"



Client time offset.

6 chars


servertimeDateTimeServer time.  "2019-04-22 07:59:57"
servertimeoffsetstringServer time offset.6 chars"-06:00"



Time spent on page (after page is closed or URL is changed) in milliseconds

32-bit integer


Only for "Pageview" event:

Time it takes for the page to load in milliseconds

32-bit integer0



User Agent

450 chars

"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/73.0.3683.103 Safari/537.36"


Only for "Search Result Click" event:
Position of search result on search result page

32-bit integer5

Only for "Search" and "Search Result Click" events:

Total amount of search results on search results page

32-bit integer6

Only for "Search" and "Search Result Click" and "Search Result Preview" events:

Search term

255 chars"documents"
metadata A list of parameters and their values.255 chars for key and value 
Code Sample

In this example, when a user clicks on the DOWNLOAD button on the home page, a popup window is opened with the download form:

Download Button

Download Form


In order to send a click event on the DOWNLOAD button with the form fields values, add a call to the sendEvent function to the button onclick event as seen below:


<input type="button" value="DOWNLOAD" onclick="openDownloadForm();

CardioLogAgent.API.sendEvent({e: 'Button Click', u: '', metaData: {name: 'DOWNLOAD NOW', firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Smith', email: '', phone:1800800800, country: 'USA'}}, function () {console.log('event sent successfully');});" />


When clicking on the button, a custom event of type ''Button Click" will be sent, indicating that the download button has been clicked on by the user. An "event sent" message will appear in the browser console.

In order to confirm that the event was sent successfully, open the browser Network tab and confirm that the request to the CardioLog Analytics SaaS events service (/cardiolog/api/client/events) returned the 200 status code.


Note: It is highly recommended to use the following code (or similar) to ensure that all the calls to the CardioLog API sendEvent function are executed and no events are lost (in case the CardioLog API object is not yet loaded on the page).

(function (CardioLogAgent) {
  if (CardioLogAgent.API) {

  var WAIT_FOR_SEC = 10;

  function createSendEventProxy() {
    var proxy = {
      calls: [],

      fn: function (data, callback) {
        proxy.calls.push({ data: data, callback: callback });

    return proxy;

  var sendEventProxy = createSendEventProxy();
  var totalAttemptsCount = Math.ceil(WAIT_FOR_SEC * 1000 / WAIT_CHECK_INTERVAL_MSEC);

  function waitForSendEventInit(attemptNumber) {
    if (attemptNumber >= totalAttemptsCount) {

    window.setTimeout(function () {
      if (CardioLogAgent.API.sendEvent === sendEventProxy.fn) {
        waitForSendEventInit(attemptNumber + 1);
      } else {
        var call;
        while ((call = sendEventProxy.calls.shift())) {
          CardioLogAgent.API.sendEvent(, call.callback);

  CardioLogAgent.API = { sendEvent: sendEventProxy.fn };
})(window.CardioLogAgent || (window.CardioLogAgent = {}));

Monitoring Internal Traffic Sources

To monitor SharePoint content that is accessed via external locations, you can use the referrer parameter whenever you publish a link to SharePoint and you wish to track the source of the referring application or page.

This is most commonly used in email or social networks such as Teams or Yammer. 

For example, if you have included an internal link in a promotional email add the referrer parameter to track the users who visited your site via this link. Define a unique referrer value that will be displayed in reports, such as referrer=email_promotion_Dec_2020 in order to display the link accordingly:

To see how many visitors arrived at your page through your email campaign, you can filter the Usage Overview report by the QueryString field which stores all URL parameters.

You can also create a new custom report and present this information in a separate table like so:



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