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The Search Optimization report template contains 11 several widgets ready to give you an informative picture of how users search on your site.


Number of Searches


Number of Users

Average Number of Results

Average Search Result Position

Result Clicks Out of Searches

Searches Breakdown

Total Successful vs. Failed Searches

Successful vs. Failed Searches Over Time

Search Phrases

Percent of Failed Searches by Date

Average Search Result Position by Date


You can use this report to better understand your user behavior and make improvements based upon intelligent data. With the word cloud, you can track the topics your users are searching for, what they need help with, and what interests them. The search report is also essential for determining what content your users are having trouble finding. For example, if you notice that the keyword "benefits" was searched for often, but only 9% of users click on a search result for that term, then you can infer that your users are not finding any clickable content relating to benefits. If you have existing content on benefits you may need to optimize that content, or improve the search scheme to assist your users in connecting to it. If you don't have a lot of helpful content regarding benefits, this is a key indicator to start creating content to help your users get the information they need.

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Usability | Search Optimization

Number of Searches

This is the total number of searches performed by users during the currently selected time period.

Number of Users

This is the total number of unique users who performed at least one search during the currently selected time period.

Average Number of Results

This is the average amount of results that were found and returned to the user.

Average Search Result Position

This is the average position of the search results that were clicked on in the search results page.

Result Clicks Out of Searches

This is the percentage of searches where a user clicked on at least one search result.

Time Wasted on Failed Searches

Time wasted on failed searches in hours equals the number of failed searches multiplied by 64 seconds per search. 64 seconds is the average time a users are spending on searching for content without finding what they are looking for (did not click on any search result, or no results were found).

Money Lost on Failed Searches

Money lost on failed searched equals the time wasted on failed searches (in hours) multiplied by the average salary per hour (average salary per hour is configurable).

Search Terms

The word cloud contains a group of popular phrases that users searched for. The larger a word is, the more often users searched for it. You can click on any word to filter the rest of the report to reflect the data associated with all search terms that contain that word. The bar chart displays the most popular search phrases that users searched for ranked by the number of searches performed using the listed phrase, the number of times users clicked a link found in the search results and the number of users who searched for the listed phrase.

Successful vs. Failed Searches

This widget displays a summary of all searches made in the selected date range, comparing failed searches to successful ones. A successful search is when a user clicked on at least one search result. A failed search is when a user didn't click on any search result (includes searches with no results by definition). The line graph indicates trends in result clicks out of searches over time.

Searches by Department

This chart includes a breakdown of how many searches were performed by users according to their department and how many times they clicked a link found in search results during the selected date range. Drill down to see the users in each department.

Search Results Clicked

This table lists the links found in search results that your visitors clicked on during the selected date range, including the link URL, page title, number of times the listed link was clicked on and the average position of the listed link in the search results page.


Portal Tree

Use this filter to navigate through your portal and simply check the box next to any page or level to review information for exclusively that selection. 


Use the date slider to quickly change the start or end date that you would like review information for. If you'd like to choose a specific date, click either the start or end date and manually select it using the calendar popup.