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(function (CardioLogAgent) {
  if (CardioLogAgent.API) {

  var WAIT_FOR_SEC = 10;

  function createSendEventProxy() {
    var proxy = {
      calls: [],

      fn: function (data, callback) {
        proxy.calls.push({ data: data, callback: callback });

    return proxy;

  var sendEventProxy = createSendEventProxy();
  var totalAttemptsCount = Math.ceil(WAIT_FOR_SEC * 1000 / WAIT_CHECK_INTERVAL_MSEC);

  function waitForSendEventInit(attemptNumber) {
    if (attemptNumber >= totalAttemptsCount) {

    window.setTimeout(function () {
      if (CardioLogAgent.API.sendEvent === sendEventProxy.fn) {
        waitForSendEventInit(attemptNumber + 1);
      } else {
        var call;
        while ((call = sendEventProxy.calls.shift())) {
          CardioLogAgent.API.sendEvent(, call.callback);

  CardioLogAgent.API = { sendEvent: sendEventProxy.fn };
})(window.CardioLogAgent || (window.CardioLogAgent = {}));

Monitoring Internal Traffic Sources

Referrer Parameter

To monitor SharePoint content that is accessed via external locationsapplications, you can use add the referrer parameter  parameter to the URL whenever you publish a link to a SharePoint page and you wish to track the source of the referring application or page.

This is most commonly used in email or social networks such as Teams or Viva Engage (Yammer)

For example, if you have included an internal SharePoint page link in a promotional an email, add the referrer parameter to the URL to track the users who visited your site via this link. Define a unique referrer value that will be displayed in reports, such as referrer=email_promotion_Dec_20202023 in order to display the link accordingly:

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To see how many visitors arrived at your page through your email campaign, filter the Usage Overview report by the QueryString field which stores all URL parameters.


UTM Parameters

To track and analyze the performance of internal campaigns and understand which marketing efforts are driving traffic to your SharePoint site, you can use UTM parameters.

You can add any of the following UTM parameters to the end of a URL: 

  1. utm_source: This parameter identifies the source of your traffic. It typically indicates where the link was placed, such as a specific website, newsletter, or social media platform.

  2. utm_medium: This parameter specifies the medium through which the traffic is coming, such as email, social, or search.

  3. utm_campaign: Campaigns are specific promotions or marketing initiatives that you want to track separately. This parameter allows you to identify the campaign associated with the URL.

  4. utm_term: This parameter is used primarily for paid or promoted search campaigns, allowing you to specify the keywords associated with your campaign. It's less commonly used in other marketing channels.

  5. utm_content: This parameter is used to differentiate between different pieces of content within the same campaign or source. For example, you can use it to track different versions of a banner or a link within an email.

For example, if you are sending out a monthly newsletter via email promoting a product launch event that was published in your SharePoint News section, add the following UTM parameters to the news article URL:

Code Block

By adding these UTM parameters to your URL, you can track the effectiveness of your campaigns with greater granularity. When someone clicks on a URL containing UTM parameters and visits your site, the data is captured in CardioLog Analytics SaaS allowing you to analyze and measure the performance of each campaign, source, and medium separately. This information is valuable for optimizing your marketing strategies and understanding which channels are generating the most traffic and engagement.

How to see this data in the reports?

To find out how many visitors reached your SharePoint page from a specific referring application or internal campaign, select the relevant page under the Page URL filter in the out-of-the-box Navigation Overview report, and view the results in the Internal Traffic Sources table visual.

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Navigation Overview 


You can also filter any other report page by the referrer parameter or UTM parameters.

The referrer parameter and the UTM parameters' values are available in the CardioLog Analytics SaaS dataset in Power BI in the following tables:

  • SharePoint Usage table which stores all URL parameters in one string in the QueryString field.
  • SharePoint Usage | Url Parameters table which stores all URL Parameters in key-value pairs, in the Key and Value fields.

To access the CardioLog Analytics SaaS dataset, edit your report and locate the relevant tables and fields under the Data section.

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