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This report lists the top content contributors, users who have added content to the site, ranked by volume of contributions. You can select which contributions to include in the report for analysis in the "Advanced" tab within in the widget preferences.

Drill down on a specific user to view the content the user added .

For more information about contributions, see the Content Contributions report.

from the Content Contributions report.


Image Added

Content Contributors Report


Available Report Widgets

Chart, Table

Chart Widget

The chart widget displays the number of active contributors, over a specific range of time.

Table Widget

The Content Contributors table widget contains the following columns:

  • User - The User identifier can be an IP address, a unique cookie value, or an authenticated user name.
  • Contributions - The cumulative number of new items added through the selected time range.

In the Content Contributors table widget Advanced preferences, you may choose to include users who only contributed a specific Item type. The item types available are:

  • Blogs
  • Community Sites
  • Comments
  • Discussions
  • Documents
  • Lists
  • List Items
  • Microblog Post
  • Microblog Comment
  • Personal Spaces
  • Posts
  • Publishing Sites
  • Search Centers
  • Sites
  • Record Centers 
  • Report Centers
  • Web Pages
  • Web Part Pages
  • Wikis