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You can create custom event types and build custom reports using the CardioLog SDK. The custom event types can be used in the SendEvent function, for both Client-Side and Server-Side APIs. For example, if your website is a sales site and you wish to track each product sold, and then you can create a report on the number of items sold, and create a custom event type in CardioLog named "Items-Sold."


For MOSS 2007 only:
[CardioLog installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\MOSS2007_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2010 only:
[CardioLog installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\SP2010_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2013 only:
[CardioLog installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\SP2013_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2016 only:
[CardioLog installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\SP2016_1.2.js 

Note: If you have implemented the Tracking Agent using the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint Feature on your WFE (Web Front End), edit the __eEvents array and add the custom event type accordingly:

For MOSS 2007 only:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent\MOSS2007_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2010 only:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent\SP2010_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2013 only:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent\SP2013_1.2.js

For SharePoint 2016 only:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent\SP2016_1.2.js



__eEvents = {
Visit: { id: 0, name: "Visit" },
Leave: { id: 1, name: "Leave" },
Search: { id: 2, name: "Search" },
SearchResultItem: { id: 4, name: "SearchResultItem" },
SearchResultClick: { id: 5, name: "SearchResultClick" },
External: { id: 10, name: "External" },
Goal: { id: 20, name: "Goal" },
"Goal-Test": { id: 21, name: "Goal-Test" },
Test: { id: 22, name: "Test" },
Score: { id: 23, name: "Score" },
Ping: { id: 24, name: "Ping" },
Item-Sold: { id: 100, name: "Item-Sold" },
Unknown: { id: -1, name: "Unknown" }


4. Create a custom report to display the number of items sold using the CardioLog SDK.

#rest api
#rest api
