Page History
Number of Exits Out of Total Pageviews
This widget displays a gauge chart the describes a ratio of pages that were the last viewed during a visit session compared to all page views. This is a slightly different way of describing Exit Rate in whole numbers.
Exit Rate
This is the percentage of all page views that were the last in a visit session.
Average Duration (Minutes)
This is the average length of a visit session in minutes, from the first page load until the user exits your site.
Number of Portal Exits
This bar graph compares the
Top Exit Pages
This column graph displays the most common pages that users view last in a visit.
Number of Pageviews
This line chart displays the total number of page views, over the currently selected time range.
Number of Exits
This line chart displays the total number of times a user stopped browsing your site, and either navigated elsewhere or closed the window.