Versions Compared


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If you have not upgraded your product to the latest release yet, it is highly recommended to do so prior to migrating the CardioLog application. Find out more about the latest version by viewing our site and our knowledge base. To find out what is current your product version, go to Administration in the navigation pane and click  > click Product License.

To migrate the CardioLog application to another server, using the existing database, follow these steps:

  1. Export the CardioLog registry key to a *.reg file:
    • 32-bit machine  - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Intlock\CardioLog  
    • 64-bit machine  - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Intlock\CardioLog
  2. Edit the CardioLog registry key (*.reg file):

    "DATABASEINSTANCE"="[database server name]"

    "TARGETDIR"="[CardioLog Installation Folder]"

      [database server name] - edit the The database server name (the server that currently hosts the CardioLog database).
      [CardioLog Installation Folder] - edit The name of the CardioLog installation folder (the folder that will contain the CardioLog application files on the new application server)

  3. Import the CardioLog registry key to the new server (copy by copying the *.reg file to the new server and double click clicking on it to add it).
  4. Disable the both CardioLog windows services (, CardioLog Diagnostics Service , CardioLog and CardioLog Scheduling Service) , on the old CardioLog application server.
  5. Run the CardioLog installer on the new server (contact us to receive it). Follow the Installation Wizard steps.
  6. Create a backup of the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\Settings.config on the new server.
  7. Copy the [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLogScheduleServices\Settings.config from the old server to the new server and edit all instances of the CardioLog server name to match your system (http://[CardioLog server name:port]/) and the CardioLog Installation Folder path.
  8. In the CardioLog database, edit the URL and server name columns in the tab_management table by executing the following SQL script:
    1. Use CardioLog

      update tab_management set url = replace (url, '[Old URL]', '[New URL]'), servername = replace (servername , '[Old machine name]', '[New machine name]')

      [Old URL] - http[s]://CardioLog-machine-name:port
      [New URL] -
      [Old machine name] 
      - CardioLog old machine name
      [New machine name] 
      - CardioLog new machine name

  9. If you have implemented the "CardioLog Analytics" SharePoint Feature" on your WFEs, edit all instances of the CardioLog server name (http://[CardioLog server name:port]/) in the /_layouts/CardioLogAgent/web.config file, located on the SharePoint WFEs:

    For MOSS 2007 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent/web.config

    For SharePoint 2010, 2013 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent/web.config

    Otherwise, edit the CardioLog Java Script tracking code embedded within a common Java Script file, located on your SharePoint WFEs. The code is located at the end of the file, between these comments: "//Intlock tracking code start", "//Intlock tracking code end".

    For MOSS 2007 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\core.js

    For SharePoint 2010 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\init.js

    For SharePoint 2013 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\init.js
