Versions Compared


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  1. The CardioLog system administrator publishes Report Templates. These templates are available from within SharePoint website pages.
  2. Each SharePoint page displays a link to CardioLog Analytics usage reports in the Site Actions menu. Click the link will generate a report for the page based on the template.


view report
view report
How to View a Report From SharePoint's "Site Actions" Menu

In the Site Actions menu on the desired SharePoint page, click Site Statistics to run a usage report for the page you are visiting. The report will be displayed in a new browser tab or window depending on your browser's preferences.

CardioLog Analytics generates usage reports and displays them as Tables, Charts or Meters

  • Meter - a component that displays an exact value. Meters can display data in both Specific mode** and Aggregated mode*. By default meters display data in Aggregated mode*.
  • Chart - a graph component that displays data over time (trends). Charts display data in both Specific mode** and Aggregated mode*. By default charts display data in Aggregated mode*.
  • Table - a component used to display a list of data. Tables display data in "Aggregated mode*. Each table row displays data in Specific mode**.  The data for each item is specific to that item URL.
  • Map - a map component which displays geo data. 

* Displays the data for the item and anything it comprised of (for example a site and all its sub sites, lists, list items and documents). 
** Displays the data for the home page of the item (for example the home page of the site).

select template
select template
How to Select a Report Template

In the top toolbar, under the Template menu, select a report template. The report is displayed in a new browser window. 
In order to create a new report template, contact your CardioLog system administrator (see the Reports Gallery for a complete list of available reports).


Report Actions

The following actions for a report are available in the top toolbar:

  • Edit Date Range - edit the time frame of a report.
  • Export to PDF - export the report data to PDF for printing.
  • Export to CSV - export the report data to CSV file format.
  • Send To - send an Email with a link to the report. 

edit date
edit date
How to Edit the Report Date Range

You can edit the time frame of a report.
  1. Click the Date Range link on the top right of the report.  
  2. Select the desired date range and time interval and click OK.

export pdf
export pdf
How to Export the Report to PDF

You can export a report to PDF format for printing.

  1. Click Export to PDF in the Top Toolbar.
  2. In the File Download dialog, click Open or Save.

export csv
export csv
How to Export the Report to CSV

You can export a report to CSV file format.

  1. Click Export to CSV in the Top Toolbar.
  2. In the File Download dialog, click Open or Save.

send email
send email
How to Send the Report via Email

Report Data Drill



Each table type report provides drill - down capabilities for selected items, allowing you to expand knowledge and information on them. 
For  For example, in the page views table report, you can drilldown drill down on the listed sites previously viewed to see the site visitorsmore detailed user information. By default the data will be displayed for the selected site and all that it is comprised of (Aggregated mode*). 
In child pages. In the unique users table, you can drilldown drill down on specific visitors to see their activity throughout your site. For more information see
Widget Data Drill Down.

To view more information on an item, click the item and select the desired report template.

Note: Using this module requires configuration (See how to install the "CardioLog Usage Reports" SharePoint feature).