Page History
- In the Navigation pane, under Administration, click Roles.
- In the bottom left hand corner, click Add.
- In the Add Role dialog, enter a user/group name in the Name text box.
- While entering the user/group name, click on Browse (...) to search for a user or group.
- Select the check boxes to assign permissions to the user or group.
- Click Save.
Note: User permissions precede group permissions.
Add Role Dialog
Select Users and Groups Dialog
- To edit a role, click on it.
Edit Role Dialog - To remove a role, select it using the check box to the left of the role and click Remove in the bottom left hand corner of the central area.
- If you wanted to grant permissions in the Analysis Center to all users in the "MyCompanyINTLOCK-QA\Site Managers" group except for a specific user, you would use the following permissions accordingly:
- Click on the "MyCompanyINTLOCK-QA\Site Managers" group to edit it.
- In the Edit Role Dialog select the Analyst and Information Worker roles to the group.
- Add the user from the MyCompany"INTLOCK-QA\Site Managers" group you would like to limit permissions for, and in the Add Role dialog select only Information Worker and click Save.
Permission Assignment
- The default group "All" is used to assign roles to all users. To prevent all users from accessing all of CardioLog, and to assign a specific group permissions to use the system, set the following permissions accordingly:
- Make sure there are at least two groups available in the Roles window
- Check all roles you would like to assign to a specific group or groups
- Un-check all roles for the "All" group
Using the "All" default group to assign permissions to all users in Active Directory