Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
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Table of Contents

Running the Uninstall Wizard

  1. In Windows go to All Programs (All Apps) and find CardioLog right click the application icon and click Uninstall.
  2. Follow the Uninstall Wizard instructions.

Note: In order to ensure the continuity of usage data collection in repair/upgrade scenarios, the CardioLog installer does NOT remove the following components during uninstall. If you want to fully uninstall the product, please remove them manually.

tracking agent
tracking agent
Uninstalling the CardioLog Tracking Agent

SharePoint On-Premise 

Manually added to a common Java Script file on your SharePoint WFEs

The Tracking Agent JavaScript code is added to all SharePoint pages in one of the following ways:

  • Deployed through a SharePoint solution.
  • Automatically added to init.js in SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013, or core.js in SharePoint 2007.
    • Added to common SharePoint Java Script files or master pages.

    removing sharepoint
    removing sharepoint
    Removing the 'CardioLog Analytics' SharePoint Solution

    For SharePoint on-premise, the

    The CardioLog Analytics Feature deployment process installs the following components on the SharePoint farm

    • Feature solution files are copied to [sharepoint app server]\program files\common files\intlock\
    • The CardioLogAgent directory is copied to [sharepoint app server]\program files\common files\intlock\
    • CardioLogAgent web application is located on every SharePoint webpage
    • The CardioLogAgent folder is copied to the LAYOUTS folder on all WFEs
    • The tracking code is located in LAYOUTS\CardioLogAgent\CardioLogAgent.js
    • Feature solution file (wsp) - cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp


    Removing the "CardioLog Analytics" Feature
    1. Open IIS Manager and remove the CardioLogAgent web application located under the _layouts folder
    2. Open the LAYOUTS folder and remove the CardioLogAgent folder
    3. Repeat steps 1 - 2 for each SharePoint web application and each Web Front End server
    4. Remove the 'CardioLog Analytics' feature using SharePoint Central Administration or the command line:

    Removing the 'CardioLog Analytics' SharePoint Solution by using SharePoint Central Administration


      1. Deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature to stop data collection.

    To deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature in SharePoint 2013, go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm features

    Image Modified
    SharePoint 2013 - Manage farm features

    To deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature in SharePoint 2010, go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm features

    Image Modified
    SharePoint 2010 - Manage farm features

    To deactivate the CardioLog Analytics feature in MOSS 2007, go to Central Administration > Operations > Manage farm features

    Image Modified
    MOSS 2007 - Manage farm features


    2. Retract the solution and remove it. 


    For SharePoint 2013 only - Go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions > Click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp > Click Retract Solution.
    Image Modified

    For SharePoint 2010 only - Go to Central Administration > System Settings > Manage farm solutions > Click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp > Click Retract Solution.
    Image Modified

    For MOSS 2007 only - Go to Central Administration > Operations > Solution Management > Click cardiologtrackingagentfeature.wsp > Click Retract Solution.
    Image Modified

    Once the solution status shows "Not Deployed", click Remove Solution in order to completely remove the solution.

    • Open IIS Manager and remove the CardioLogAgent web application located under the _layouts folder
    • Open the LAYOUTS folder and remove the CardioLogAgent folder
    • Repeat these steps for each SharePoint website and each Web Front End server
    Note: The "CardioLog Analytics" Feature can also be removed
    Removing the 'CardioLog Analytics' SharePoint Solution by using Command Line

     Execute the following commands from command prompt on the SharePoint application server in order to deactivate the feature, retract and remove the solution from your SharePoint farm (edit the directory path: 1X - 12 for MOSS 2007, 14 for SharePoint 2010, 15 for SharePoint 2013):


    cd C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\1X\BIN

    stsadm -o deactivatefeature -force -name "CardioLogAnalytics"

    stsadm -o uninstallfeature -force -name "CardioLogAnalytics"
    stsadm -o retractsolution -immediate -name "CardioLogTrackingAgentFeature.wsp"
    stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs
    stsadm -o deletesolution -override -name "CardioLogTrackingAgentFeature.wsp"
    stsadm -o execadmsvcjobs

    For SharePoint Online, you can choose between pausing and un-installing the tracking code from your SharePoint online site collection/s:

    To pause the tracking code, browse to your SharePoint Online site Solution Gallery (edit the website root URL):


    []/_catalogs/solutions/forms/allitems.aspx and deactivate the CardioLog Analytics Integration solution.

  • To uninstall the tracking code, deactivate the CardioLog Analytics Integration solution and then delete the solution.

    removing javascript
    removing javascript
    Removing the JavaScript

    Tracking Code 


    The code is located at the end of the file, between the comments: "//Intlock tracking code start" and "//Intlock tracking code end". In order to stop data collection remove or null the tracking code

    For SharePoint 2013 only -

     Tracking Code from SharePoint common JavaScript files or master pages

    By default, the JavaScript tracking code is embedded within a common JavaScript file on all of your SharePoint WFEs (Web Front Ends), which typically is one of the following locations relevant to your software versions:

    For SharePoint 2013 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\init.js


    For SharePoint 2010

     only -

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\[language code]\init.js


    For MOSS 2007

     only -

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\[language code]\core.js

    Delete your browser cache and verify that when you browse through your SharePoint website that you can no longer request the CardioLog tracking agent popup by clicking Ctrl+F12 on the keyboard

    or by clicking the Agent Console link. 


    SharePoint Online

    Uninstall the tracking code from your SharePoint online site collection/s:

    Browse to your SharePoint Online site Solution Gallery (edit the website root URL): []/_catalogs/solutions/forms/allitems.aspx, deactivate the CardioLog Analytics Integration solution and then delete the solution.

    removing http
    removing http
    Removing the CardioLog Analytics HTTPModule for SharePoint

    1. In your SharePoint server, remove the CardioLogHttpModule.dll from the GAC (See the Microsoft help documentation for more information). 
    2. In your SharePoint server, modify the SharePoint Web.config file and remove the module registration for each web site:

      For IIS 6.0 and IIS 7.0 running in Classic Mode:

    1. Info

            <add name="CardioLogHttpModule" type="CardioLog.HttpModules.EventsModule,CardioLogHttpModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=56b51e29d93ab3fb" />

      To register the module for IIS 7.0 running in Integrated Mode:


            <add name="CardioLogHttpModule" type="CardioLog.HttpModules.EventsModule,CardioLogHttpModule, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=56b51e29d93ab3fb" />

      Remove the following keys:

    1. <appSettings>
      <add key="CardioLog.Events.DocExtensions" value=".doc*.docx*.ppt*.pptx*.pps*.ppsx*.txt*.pdf*.xlr*.xls*.xlsx*.log*.msg*.odt*.rtf*.csv*"/>
      <add key="CardioLog.Events.ExcludeUserAgents" value="Microsoft Office Existence Discovery*"/>
      <add key="CardioLog.API.EventsServiceUrl" value="http://<CardioLog server>:<port>/CardioLogAPI/Events.asmx"/>
      <add key="CardioLog.Events.LogFile" value="C:\CardioLogHttpModule.log"/>
      <add key="CardioLog.Events.LogLevel" value="None"/><!--None,Error,Message-->
      <add key="CardioLog.Events.SharePointVersion" value="2013"/>
      <add key="CardioLog.Events.SupportClaimsAuth" value="true"/><!--  Support claims based authentication  -->
      <add key="CardioLog.Events.ClaimsAuthRegex" value=""/>
      <add key="CardioLog.Events.ClaimsAuthRegexGroupMatch" value=""/>
      <add key="CardioLog.Events.CacheExpirationTimeoutInMs" value="1000"/>
    2. Open the following file for editing: [Installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\
    1. web.
    In AgentEmbed.js, set element.
  • Restart the SharePoint IIS server (iisreset).
  • [Installation directory]
    1. config
      Set HandleFileExtension to true:
    element.HandleFileExtension = true;
    In versions lower than, this file is located in [Installation directory]\CardioLogAgent\AgentEmbed.aspx


      <add key="handleFileExtensions" value="true" />

      [Installation directory] - By default, the CardioLogAgent folder is located in the CardioLog Installation folder. If the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint feature is installed, the CardioLogAgent folder is located on all SharePoint WFEs under the SharePoint website "_layouts" folder.