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Questions or ConcernsSolutions

How do I add values to a chart report?

Once a chart has been added to a report, you can edit chart preferences by clicking the settings gear in the top right corner of the chart and selecting Edit.
In the Appearance tab, select Values to display the chart with values. For more information see Widgets.

Note - when filtering the report by a customized date range, select Show X axis margins to display chart values for both ends of the x-axis as well.

How do I share a report?

Once you have created your CardioLog Analytics dashboard, you can share it with other employees and partners in your organization.
To share a dashboard, click on the dashboards menu, and select one of the following sharing options:
You can also display CardioLog Analytics reports within your own SharePoint site using the "Site Actions" menu, and make recommendations to your users in real time based on relevant data, like the most popular pages.

How do I display targeted content on a SharePoint list using the Behavior Targeting module?

In this article, we will describe how you can automatically exclude items from a SharePoint list using the Behavioral Targeting module.

As an example, we will assume that you have a "News Items" list, and you want to display items based on the location of your visitors.

Step one: Create a new "Target Market" column

The first thing you should do is add a new column that will hold the target market the item is relevant to (in the example below we called it "Target Market" and the value is the name of the country we want this item to be targeted to)


How do I execute CardioLog service components immediately?

  1. In the navigation pane, browse to CardioLog Analytics > Administration > CardioLog Schedule Services > Click on the desired service component > Select "Once" as the service schedule type > Click OK to restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service immediately. For more details see How to Edit a Service Component.
  2. In versions lower than, restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service windows service manually from Windows Services.
  3. After the service component execution is completed (For more information about following the execution process, see Troubleshooting), set the service schedule type back to the desired schedule type, and Restart the CardioLog Scheduling Service.

How can I view surveys results in a SharePoint webpart?

In order to view survey results through a web part do the following:

  1. Create a Page Viewer webpart in SharePoint. The page URL will be the survey report page. For more information, see Microsoft SharePoint support.
  2. In order to retrieve the survey report page URL, using the navigation pane, go to CardioLog Analytics > Visitor Engagement > Surveys > Click on the desired survey "Reports" button > Right Click anywhere on the report page > Select "Properties" > Copy the URL address.

How do I monitor authenticated users in an anonymous environment after they sign in?

CardioLog can identify authenticated users in an anonymous environment by retrieving the user name from a unique element value that is hidden in the client side code.

How can I view my top inactive pages?

In the Page Views report, click the settings gear in the Page Views Table to edit the table preferences, In the Advanced, set the Minimum value to 0 in order to view the top inactive pages.

To view the top inactive sites/documents/lists/list items etc. use the Page Views by Type table.

Does CardioLog track document downloads within SharePoint libraries?

CardioLog monitors browser clicks on document links, and tracks document access from non-browser clients, including Windows Explorer and Microsoft Office applications. The tracking of non-browser clients is unavailable in the Lite edition.

What is the row limit for CardioLog Lite reports?

CardioLog Lite reports are limited to 100 rows, although our complete package has no display limitations.

Can I group reporting data by SharePoint user profiles and Audiences in addition to users or Active Directory groups?

Yes, report filtering and dimensioning by SharePoint user profiles and audiences - is provided out of the box.

Why do the CardioLog Lite charts display a Flash loading image, but the data fails to load.

Please make sure that you are running the latest version of Flash, and that it is enabled in your browser.

What kind of information is transmitted from the CardioLog server to the Intlock web servers?

The CardioLog server sends outgoing requests to the Intlock website to retrieve information about product updates. No user information is included in the requests, and the requests are optional.

Why is the Active Directory Updates status "Error reading log file" in the Diagnostics Dashboard?

Confirm that theActive Directory Updates service is configured correctly:

  1. In the navigation pane, go to Administration > System Configuration > User Categories Management
  2. Click the Active Directory category.
  3. Enter the Active Directory connection string, such as - (without the server name), and then Save.
  4. In the navigation pane, go to Administration > CardioLog Scheduling Service.
  5. Restart the CardioLog Scheduling service from the top right corner of the main window.

Does CardioLog track outbound navigation from my portal to non-SharePoint sites?

 Yes, CardioLog tracks all internal and outbound navigation. Every click on an external link is tracked and displayed in the External Destinations report.

How do I create more efficient CardioLog reports?

To ensure optimal operation and reduce the load time for reports, here are some tips for creating efficient reports in CardioLog:
  1. Number of reports per dashboard - Limit the number of reports in a dashboard to a maximum of Remove unnecessary reports from your dashboard.
  2. Report Filters - Make sure that the reports are limited to only the pages or items you would like to monitor and not ALL subpages, when relevant.
    • To filter out AD users and groups, define a black list rule and avoid using the NOT (!) condition.
  3. Report Scheduling Type - Verify that the report scheduling type (daily/weekly/monthly) is in correspondence to the report date range, for example:
    • When a report's date range is "Last Month", schedule it to run once a month.
    • When a report's date range is "Last 30 Days", schedule it to run once a day.
  4. Report Type - "By URL" Reports - Avoid using the "By URL" reports (ie. "Page Views by URL") unless fully necessary. When creating a report for a web page or site, find the page using the Object Explorer, and use the appropriate tree item as the source of your report.
    • Use the "By URL" reports only for: Web sites which do not exist in Object Explorer; Retrieving URL Parameters in the report; Tracking banner and button clicks; Tracking custom events
    • Set the Source URL as detailed as possible (avoid using only the default "http://" prefix)
    1. Chart Reports - Avoid using unnecessary data selection (specific/aggregated)
  5. Number of Scheduled Reports - Any scheduled reports which are no longer in use should be either deleted or edited to no longer run regularly.
  6. Real Time Reporting - Use the CardioLog Analysis Center for real time queries and investigating past periods, or create an Ad-Hoc report and generate reports manually when you need them.

What are the differences between Specific and Aggregated (Home Page vs. All Pages)?

CardioLog monitors many types of portal events such as - including views, updates, and searches for any object in the organization's hierarchical tree. Object Explorer contains the hierarchical list of the your SharePoint objects which that are monitored by CardioLog. Based on this hierarchical structure, CardioLog performs the various query aggregations (for instance, eg. the number of page views for a site page and all its sub-siteschild pages).

  • Specific (Home Page) - data is displayed for a single selected item in the Object Explorer (the selected item home page).
  • Aggregated (All Pages) - data is displayed for a selected item and all its children child items in the Object Explorer (the selected item and all its sub-items).

CardioLog generates reports about portal usage and displays them as Tables, Charts or Meters:

  • Meters
  •  can display data in both "Specific" and "Aggregated" modes (
for instance
  • eg, the "Page Views" Meter displays the number of page views for
a site
  • the selected page and all
its sub sites
  • child pages by default
  • , but can be configured to display the number of page views for a
site home
  • single page in the Meter "Advanced" settings).
  • Charts
  •  can display data in both "Specific" and "Aggregated" modes (
for instance
  • eg, the "Page Views" Chart displays the number of page views for
a site home
  • the selected page in the "Specific"
  • setting, and the number of page views for
a site home
  • the selected page and all
its sub sites
  • child pages in the "Aggregated"
  • setting).
  • Tables display data in "Aggregated" mode. Each table row displays data in "Specific" mode (
for instance
  • eg, the "Page Views" Table displays a list of items
for a site
  • included on the selected page and all its
sub sites
  • child pages and items. The number of page views for each item is specific to that item URL
  • .