Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Version 3.0.18 - May 2021


Tracking Agent:

Resolved Issues:

  • The Title column tooltip is showing description for Type column.
  • Event Viewer errors: The process cannot access the file 'C:\Program Files\Intlock\CardioLog\CardioLogScheduleServices\Logs\CardioLogServiceComponents.log' because it is being used by another process.
  • Export to CSV place all data in one row separated by comma.
  • Reports emails subject shows %20 instead of space.
  • Columns that are added additionally to report widgets have no tooltips.
  • Unmodified Documents report widget does not show any data.

Version 3.0.17 - December 2020



  • Built-in support for the Site Statistics feature in SharePoint modern sites

  • Increased the default SQL timeout to rebuild the tree table indexes

Resolved Issues:

  • "Failed with error: Cannot convert argument "parameters"" error in the in the tracking agent deployment PowerShell script for SharePoint Online

  • "Error: PTU post processing failed. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Execution Timeout Expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." error in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • "Transaction (Process ID #) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when using the new tree processing method by SharePoint IDs
  • "A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when using the new tree processing method by SharePoint IDs
  • "ERROR: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#idsToUp'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#idsToUpdate'. Error number: 2627; Proc: stp_sharepoint_tree_persist_spids_map_locations" error in the Portal Tree Updates job after changing a site welcome page in SharePoint Online when using the new tree processing method by SharePoint IDs
  • Occasionally some SharePoint wiki library pages are not being imported to the tree by the Portal Tree Updates system job
  • "Request to /CardioLog/MarketingSuite/VoiceOfCustomer/RemoveCache.aspx?key=GlobalSettings failed with error: The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error." error in the CardioLog application log
  • When the Active User Categories chart report is added to a report template in the Analysis Center, it is not automatically filtered by the selected website item
  • "Cannot read property 'selectedIndex' of type null" error when using the Visitor Segments filter in default report templates in the Analysis Center
  • When exporting the Active User Categories table report to CSV the exported file includes the "categoryvalueid" hidden column 
  • Installer fails to grant permissions to the "Everyone" security group on Windows servers with non-English system language
  • Occasionally system jobs do not start immediately when the service schedule type is set to "Once" after version upgrade
  • Occasinally surveys that are marked as inactive are still displayed in SharePoint
  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent does not send a pageview event in addition to a search result click event when clicking on documents in SharePoint 2013 customized search pages

  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent sends a search result click event with an incorrect URL in SharePoint Online modern sites global search
  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent sends a search event with an incorrect related event ID in document library search
  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent does not send a search result click events in asset libraries


  • Built-in support for MFA in the tracking agent deployment PowerShell script for SharePoint Online 

  • Automatic deployment of the CardioLog Modern Tracking Agent App for SharePoint 2019 modern sites 
  • Enhanced performance for the fix lost events step in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • Encrypted extended log files

Resolved Issues:

  • False alert in the Diagnostics Dashboard for the Portal Tree Updates job when it is scheduled to run weekly over the weekend and the job is completed in the following calendar week

  • "Error: Handling SharePoint adaptor failed: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): ERROR: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK__#idsToUp__3213E83F719F4C79'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#idsToUpdate'. Error number: 2627; Proc: stp_sharepoint_tree_persist_spids_map_location" error in the Portal Tree Updates job after adding a new site collection when using with the new tree processing method by SharePoint IDs

  • "Error: Event migration failed: ERROR: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tab_event_log'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tab_event_log'." error in the Usage Data Processing job
  •  When re-selecting a web application that was previously removed from the SharePoint tree adaptor configuration page, the web application is not restored by the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "Error: Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes" error when filtering a report by website item and the selected language in the UI is German or Spanish

  • No results found for table widgets when using the Data Export API

  • Occasionally web applications are marked as deleted in the Analysis Center when the "Failed to get web applications" error occurs in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • Occasionally pageview events for Asset Library pages are not mapped to the SharePoint tree structure when using the modern agent

  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent does not send a search result click event when the result is not located on the first page in document library search
  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent sends a search event with search results  "0" in document library search when a successful search is performed right after a failed search with no results
  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent does not send a pageview event in addition to a search result click event when clicking on documents in SharePoint modern sites search
  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent sends duplicate pageview events for a folder that was clicked on from global search results
  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent does not send a pageview event when navigating from a classic page to a modern list/library
  • Occasionally the modern Tracking Agent sends search events with search term "0" in SharePoint Online


  • Support for forms based authentication in the SharePoint Tree Adaptor configuration page

  • Improved performance for the Portal Tree Updates job when processing updates in the database
  • Improved handling of SharePoint duplicate content in the Portal Tree Updates job in changes mode

Resolved Issues:

  • "Error: System.ArgumentException: The requested value 'Default' cannot be found." error in the Portal Tree Updates when importing data from SharePoint 2016 in Spanish

  • "Error: System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format." error in the Portal Tree Updates when importing data from SharePoint 2016 

  • "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'SiteSPID', table 'CardioLog.dbo.tab_sharepoint_tree_spids'; column does not allow nulls. UPDATE fails" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing data from SharePoint 2013 in DB mode
  • "Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint." error in the Onsite Search Phrases report when using the modern agent
  • "Event not found" error in the modern tracking agent when opening folders in document libraries with modern experience in SharePoint Online
  • "Access is denied" error in IE when using the Site Statistics feature in SharePoint with the modern agent
  • Survey "Thank you" message does not show up on search result pages upon submit when using the modern agent
  • "Who should be prompted to take the survey" options are not supported when using the modern agent
  • Occasionally search and search result click events are not mapped to the SharePoint tree structure when using the modern agent
  • Occasionally a page view event is registered in the database with a timestamp of the client timezone + 1 when using the modern agent
  • Occasionally an unnecessary search event  is sent when navigating through search results pages for the same search keyword in SharePoint 2016 and SharePoint Online when using the modern agent
  • Occasionally a page view event for document clicks is sent twice by the modern tracking agent in SharePoint 2019 modern experience libraries
  • Onsite Searches - Failure Rate report displays the success rate in version 3.0.13


  • Built-in support for switching to a SharePoint DR farm in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing data from SharePoint 2016 and 2019 via the SharePoint REST API

  • Automatically remove claims based authentication prefix from the user account name in the User and Group Updates and User Category Updates system jobs
  • Automatically remove claims based authentication prefix from the user account name of content owners in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • Allow empty values for user categories in the User Category Updates job when importing data from a custom source
  • Improved performance for the Portal Tree Updates job when importing data from the SharePoint REST API in full mode

Resolved Issues:

  • "Error: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.tab_sharepoint_tree_spids' and the index name 'PK_tab_sharepoint_tree_spids'." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing data from SharePoint 2013 in DB mode

  • "Error: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.tab_sharepoint_tree_spids' and the index name 'PK_tab_sharepoint_tree_spids'." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when restoring a site collection from a backup via PowerShell
  • "Error: Found records with same Locations (new_loc) in #mergedStg table. Items with duplicated locations moved into dbo.tab_mergedStg_duplicated_locations table. Process stopped." error in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • "Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'. The Solution installation failed." error when deploying the Tracking Agent Feature for SharePoint 2019 via the Configuration Wizard
  • "Error: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.tab_sharepoint_tree_preload' and the index name 'PK_tab_sharepoint_tree_preload'." error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error in the Usage Data Processing job
  • "System.ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added." error in the User Category Updates job
  • "Could not retrieve report data: Cannot resolve the collation conflict between "Latin1_General_CI_AS" and "SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS" in the equal to operation" error in the Page Load Time table report
  • The links to Visitor Engagement and Acquisition in the intro screen are broken

  • Occasionally an unnecessary search event with 0 search results is sent right after performing an unsuccessful search (without clicking on any of the search results) in modern experience document libraries in SharePoint Online

  • Occasionally a search event is not sent when searching for the same search term more than once in the same visit in modern experience document libraries in SharePoint Online
  • Occasionally a search event is not sent when searching in modern experience document libraries in SharePoint 2019
  • "Syntax error" in CardioLogSppage.min.js file in the Tracking Agent when browsing to list items in IE 11
  • "Object doesn't support property or method 'closest'" error in the Tracking Agent when browsing to modern pages in IE 11
  • Occasionally a page view event is sent twice by the tracking agent in SharePoint 2016 sub-sites with MDS enabled
  • Occasionally a page view event is not sent when opening documents that are opened in OWA in SharePoint 2019


  • Support for deploying the tracking agent solution on multiple SharePoint Online site collections automatically

  • Support for updating the modern pages tracking App version automatically in the tracking agent deployment script 
  • Increased the timeout value of rebuilding indexes for the SharePoint tree table to 6 hours

Resolved Issues:

  • "Error in SharePointModel: The property or field has not been initialized." error in the tacking agent when navigating to blog site pages

  • Occasionally a video auto-play event is not sent by the tracking agent when using Chrome/FireFox

  • When using the modern tracking agent surveys and message bars do not show up in SharePoint Online pages

  • "Exception: System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request." error in the Portal Tree Updates job in Changes mode when importing sub-sites from SharePoint on-prem via the SharePoint REST API

  • The tracking agent occasionally captures an incorrect URL for documents clicked on from document library search results in SharePoint Online 

  • "Uncaught Error: SP.Runtime.js is already loaded" error in the tracking agent when navigating from a classic page to a modern one

  • "XML Parsing error: syntax error" error in the modern tracking agent when using SharePoint global search in Chrome and FireFox

  • Occasionally a page view event is not sent by the tracking agent when clicking on list items in modern lists 

  • Occasionally a page view event is not sent by the tracking agent when clicking on folders and sub-folders in modern document libraries

  • The default content type for documents stored in the Site Assets library is list item instead of document when importing the tree structure via the SharePoint REST API

  • "Cannot resolve the collation conflict between 'Latin1_General_CI_AS' and 'SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS'" error in the Portal Tree Updates job 

  • "AddOssSearchResultsPageToSites failed: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Conversion failed when converting the varchar value" error in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • Updates for user categories from SharePoint user profiles are occasionally not processed when importing the data from the SharePoint REST API

  • Updates for users and groups from multiple SharePoint on-premise farms are occasionally not processed when importing the data from the SharePoint REST API 

  • "The SMTP username is not a valid address" error when trying to share a report via email in case user credentials are not specified in the Mail Settings

  • "Error: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing data in changes mode for SharePoint 2016

  • "Error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing data in changes mode for SharePoint 2016

  • "Warning: Couldn't find the IP database in location: [CardioLog Installation Folder]\CardioLog\MaxMind\GeoIP.dat" warning in the Event Collector web application 

  • "Error : System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tab_users' with unique index 'IX_tab_users_useraccountname'. The statement has been terminated." error in the Users and Groups job

  • "Failed to store Site Collection, System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Execution Timeout Expired" error in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • Updates for users and groups from SharePoint online are occasionally not processed when importing the data from the SharePoint REST API 

  • "There was a problem retrieving user categories" error when trying to add a new user category from SharePoint user profiles in system configuration

  • "Inactive Content" table report cannot be filtered by website item

  • "Inactive content" table report "Last viewed on" column is empty

  • "Minimum value" in Advanced settings shows results greater than and not equal to this value in Onsite Search reports

  • "Exception: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing the data from the SharePoint REST API 

  • Drill down from Active User Categories table report does not filter the results by the selected category

  • "404 (Not Found) error" for the CardioLogAgent.js file after upgrade

  • Search result click events for PDF and VSDX documents are not mapped to the tree

  • "The remote server returned an error: (500) Server Error." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing updates for titles of root site collections from the SharePoint REST API in changes mode

  • False alert in the Diagnostics Dashboard for the Portal Tree Updates job when it is scheduled to run earlier than 00:00

  • "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing new personal sites from the SharePoint REST API in changes mode

  • Search result click events for list items are not mapped to the tree when using the modern agent

  • "Min Failure" in Advanced settings shows results greater than and not equal or lower than this value in the Onsite Failed Search Phrases report when the value is set to 0

  • Campaign titles in the Internal Traffic Sources report end with "/#" when SharePoint MDS mode is enabled

  • "Error: System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException (0x80072028): A more secure authentication method is required for this server." error in the Users and Groups job when using secure LDAP

  • "AddOssSearchResultsPageToSites failed: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." error in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • The number of page exits in the Exit Pages table report is incorrect when using the modern tracking agent

  • "Found records with same Locations in #mergedStg table. Process stopped." error in the Portal Tree Updates job


  • Support for Hybrid Search in SharePoint

Resolved Issues:

  • "Email address is not valid" error when adding a recipient to a report distribution list, due to email domain extension limit of 2 - 4 characters

  • Upgrade fails with error "There is already an object named '#control_prefs' in the database."
  • "Error: The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name 'dbo.tab_sharepoint_tree_spids' and the index name 'PK_tab_sharepoint_tree_spids'." error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • The CardioLog Agent directory path is visible in the error message that is raised when sending a request with an invalid parameter value
  • The Page Views by Type table widget is not filtered by document extension when using Portal Tree Updates in "changes" mode
  • "Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property." error when clicking on Save in the SharePoint Tree Adaptor configuration page 
  • "System.Exception: Operation failed. The index entry of length 922 bytes for the index 'IDX_sharepoint_tree_load_url' exceeds the maximum length of 900 bytes" error in the Portal Tree Updates job whe multiple adaptors are configured
  • "Error: Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'." error in the Social Updates job
  • "Exception: System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when using the SharePoint 2016 adaptor

  • "Error: Failed to persist SharePoint sites. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once" error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • Missing document titles when using the SharePoint 2016 adaptor
  • "The number of page views for import has reached the monthly limit for MM YYYY (#) Please select a different time range for import" error when importing IIS logs


  • Support for tracking modern sites and pages in SharePoint Online

Resolved Issues:

  • Missing items in Portal Tree Updates in "changes" mode when the items no longer exist in the SharePoint change log

  • User categories value is empty in the Visitor Profile report
  • "Access is denied" error while trying to change the timeframe in the exported report Web Part in SharePoint
  • The report widget preference windows opened from the Analysis Center default templates show aggregate data preview and disregard the selected item in the Object Explorer 
  • "Import document versions" checkbox is disabled in the SharePoint 2016 adaptor
  • "Error: WriteToServer requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is closed." in Portal Tree Updates job when loading document 
  • "Error: AddOssSearchResultsPageToSites failed: dbo.stp_sharepoint_tree_add_osssearchresults_page System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Execution Timeout Expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." error in Portal Tree Updates job
  • "Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression" error in Portal Tree Updates job
  • "Duplicate key was found for the object name dbo.#tbl_tree_data and the index name 'NonClusteredIndex_tbl_tree_data_location'' error in the Active Sites report
  • "Error caught in EventCollector: String or binary data would be truncated.  Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'ToEventId', table 'CardioLog.dbo.tab_temp_event_log'; column does not allow nulls" error when tracking OWA documents in SharePoint 2016
  • "Error during serialization or deserialization using the JSON JavaScriptSerializer. The length of the string exceeds the value set on the maxJsonLength property" error in the CardioLog UI
  • "Exception occurred: Failed to process preloaded data. See inner exception for details." error in the Yammer adaptor

  • Create new segment dialog takes too long to open
  • "The XSS auditor blocked access" when uploading a report webpart to SharePoint in Chrome
  • "Input string was not in a correct format" error when exporting a single widget to CSV from the Analysis Center
  • "Error: Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes" error when drilling down on a unique users table report that is filtered by more than one website item


  • Support for host named site collections in SharePoint 2016

  • Support for document versions in SharePoint 2016
  • Support for connecting to SharePoint Online with modern authentication - oAuth
  • Support for One Note documents in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing the SharePoint tree structure via the REST API
  • Exclude hidden system folders when importing the SharePoint tree structure via the REST API
  • Improved database indexes

Resolved Issues:

  • "Error   : 'Users' process couldn't finish importing data because of the following error: Failed to load data. System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error in the Social Updates job when importing data from Yammer

  • "Error : 'Managers' process couldn't finish importing data because of the following error: Failed to load data. Intlock.Infra.FluentHttpClient.Exceptions.FailedRequestException: Failed response is received.
    Status code: 404 NotFound." error in the Social Updates job when importing data from Yammer

  • "Error Processing changes: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when deleting and restoring a custom list from SharePoint Recycle Bin 
  • Incorrect creation date for folders and sub folders when importing the SharePoint tree structure via the REST API with changes mode enabled
  • Discussions and replies in community sites are not updated when importing the  SharePoint tree structure via the REST API with changes mode enabled
  • Posts and comments in blog sites are not updated when importing the  SharePoint tree structure via the REST API with changes mode enabled
  • Duplicate locations may occur when importing the SharePoint tree structure via the REST API with changes mode enabled
  • "Failed to initialize report page.Please check the log file or contact support" error when trying to edit a report template
  • Documents opened in OWA in SharePoint Online are not processed properly in version 3.0.9
  • "HTTP error 500.23 - Internal Server Error" error when upgrading to versions lower than 3.0.8
  • "Error: Persist process stopped" error when importing the SharePoint tree structure via the REST API with changes mode enabled
  • Sites with no owner details do not show up in the Active Sites report
  • No results in the Active Sites report when selecting multiple sites in the Website Item filter
  • "Your product license does not support the 'Document Usage Tracking from within Office' feature." error in the CardioLog Professional edition even if the license is valid
  • "Execution Timeout Expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." error in the Usage Data Processing job
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error when clicking on Send To in the Site Statistics feature
  • Occasionally the Portal Tree Updates starts and immediately stops in version 3.0.9
  • Removed the claims authentication prefix from the user name in the owner field when importing the SharePoint tree structure via the REST API with changes mode enabled
  • "Error: HandleFarmAdaptors failed. System.Exception: OMAgent did not complete successfully. Failed with an error. Exception: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing the  SharePoint tree structure via the REST API and not providing the user domain name in the credentials
  • No results in chart widgets when selecting "Last X days" in the date range filter and "Weekly" in the time interval
  • "Error: hexadecimal value 0x02, is an invalid character" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when using the Website Tree adaptor
  • "500 Internal Server error" in the CardioLog Tracking Agent caUser.aspx file
  • Occasionally the Site Statistics report page is blank and unresponssive
  • Occasionally system jobs fails with "Missing or invalid product license" error even if the licenses are valid
  • Occasionally duplicate entries appear in the tree structure following unsuccessful executions of the Portal Tree Updates job.


  • Retrieve changes only when importing the tree structure via the SharePoint REST API

  • Restored SharePoint content is restored in the tree structure as well to keep data consistency

  • Updated database indexes for the SharePoint tree tables
  • Alert emails are no longer sent for system jobs that are scheduled to "Never"

Resolved Issues:

  • New custom lists created under SharePoint 2013 team sites are not imported to the SharePoint Tree when the changes mechanism is enabled in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • List items under lists that do not have the DefaultDisplayFormUrl property are not retrieved  when importing the tree structure via the SharePoint API
  • "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 internal server error" error loading the Average Views per Hour of Day chart report
  • "Error: This handler didn't finish all its work completely. System.ApplicationException: Failed to create temp duration events" error in Usage Data Processing job when there are no events collected
  • "Error  Table 'tab_sharepoint_tree' already has a primary key defined on it. Could not create constraint." error in Portal Tree Updates when recovery mode is enabled
  • OK button in "High Events Usage" warning screen is not clickable in Chrome
  • "String or binary data would be truncated. The data for table-valued parameter "@SpObjects" doesn't conform to the table type of the parameter." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing SharePoint 2016
  • The Last X Days and the Time Interval fields in the Custom Date Range filter menu always reset back to their default values each time the filter menu is opened
  • "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error in Portal Tree Updates job when importing SharePoint 2016
  • "Server Error in '/CardioLog' Application" error in CardioLog configuration wizard step 3 when importing SharePoint Online
  • Chart images look blurry in report generated mode in lower screen resolutions
  • "Operation failed. The index entry of length 911 bytes for the index 'IX_tab_event_log_xxxxx' exceeds the maximum length of 900 bytes." error in Usage Data Processing job
  • Occasionally the Active Sites table report is empty
  • "ERROR: Found records with same Locations in #mergedStg table. Process stopped" error in Portal Tree Updates when importing SharePoint via the REST API after upgrade
  • "Edge" is not showing up in the Browsers table report
  • "Error  Failed to get and parse ping interval value. System.Exception: Request to http://xxxx:29999/GetPingInterval.aspx failed." error in Usage Data Processing job
  • "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): The target table 'tab_event_log_archive' of the OUTPUT INTO clause cannot be on either side of a (primary key, foreign key) relationship. Found reference constraint 'FK_tab_event_log_tab_event_log_users_archive'." error in Usage Data Processing job
  • Message Bars targeted at SharePoint 2010 pages occasionally don't show up in IE 8/9/10
  • "There was a problem retrieving user categories. Please view log." error in User Category Management when importing from SharePoint profiles
  • Survey redirecting to another survey that should show the survey results on submit never stops loading


  • Support for using anchors (#) in URL for Shorten Links

  • Improved performance for automatic archiving

  • Added recovery mode for the Portal Tree Updates job

  • Improved handling of SharePoint duplicate content when importing metadata fields

Resolved Issues:

  • "String or binary data would be truncated" error in the Yammer Updates job

  • Import Yammer metrics in UTC in the Yammer Updates job

  • Filter Yammer reports by local time zone (convert to UTC)

  • "'Users' process couldn't finish importing data because of the following error: Nullable object must have a value" error in the Yammer Updates job

  • Incorrect number of followers imported by the Yammer Updates job

  • Store information about deleted followers in Yammer

  • Messages of deleted conversations in Yammer do not appear in reports

  • "System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing SharePoint 2016

  • "Cannot read property 'page' of undefined" error in the Tracking Agent on SharePoint pages with Angular

  • "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tab_sharepoint_tree_metadata_records_load'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tab_sharepoint_tree_metadata_records_load'" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing metadata

  • Occasionally the CardioLog Tracking Agent folder is not converted to an application in IIS during installation

  • When filtering the page views by type table report by metadata columns, the report is not refreshed

  • "Could not create Value for Category. System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression" error in the User Categories Updates job

  • "Exception occurred on sending report by email. System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not find file" error when sending report via email as a PDF attachment

  • When filtering the social user activity table report by date range, the report is not refreshed

  • Cannot add custom user attributes columns to the unique users table report

  • "The MERGE statement attempted to UPDATE or DELETE the same row more than once" error in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • Display user email if user name is not provided in Yammer reports

  • "'Users' process couldn't finish importing data because of the following error: Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime." error in the Yammer Updates job

  • "TypeError: document.__Page is undefined" error in the Tracking Agent when using the Extended Tracking API

  • Occasionally the CardioLog Tracking Agent captures duplicate search events in SharePoint Online

  • "Permission denied" error in the Site Statistics feature when inheriting SharePoint permissions

  • Occasionally SharePoint term set field values are imported as value|GUID or GUID for metadata attributes in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • Occasionally the CardioLog Tracking Agent captures incorrect position for search result clicks

  • Occasionally message Bars with no show/hide time settings appear for a second when the page is visited and then immediately go back up and hide/close

  • Occasionally double entries of survey responses are submitted

  • "Console is undefined" error in the Tracking Agent in SharePoint 2010

  • "Object expected" error in the CardioLog Tracking Agent when using the message bar's option "Call For Action: Show the user a survey"

  • "An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing metadata

  • Table widgets with date range of this hour/last hour do not return results in report generated mode


  • Added tracking for wopiframe2.aspx pages for Office Web Apps in the Tracking Agent

Resolved Issues:

  • "Failed to get personal space relative URL for user" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing SharePoint 2013 MySites via the REST API
  • Page Views by Type report columns are not aligned properly when adding metadata columns
  • Ignore empty search keyword in search reports
  • "Cannot read property 'split' of undefined" error in the SharePoint Online tracking agent feature configuration page
  • Occasionally the search result click position in SharePoint 2013 is not captured correctly when navigating through search results pages
  • German Unicode characters do not show up correctly when exporting reports to CSV 
  • "Access Denied. You do not have permission to perform this action or access this resource" error in the Tracking Agent
  • Occasionally missing metadata information for pages, list items and documents
  • The permissions option is disabled in the Report Center for users with the Information Worker and Analysts roles
  • "Object Reference not set to an object" error in Site Statistics reports when PII concealment is enabled
  • "Value cannot be null" error in the Default Category Template
  • Incorrect number of search results is captured when there is a comma or a dot in the number of results (i.e. 1,000)
  • The "Load more" option in survey reports is not available after loading more results twice
  • Occasionally duplicate search events are captured on Mozilla and Chrome when MDS is activated for SharePoint 2013 and 2016
  • Some links on the Visitor activity reports are not clickable
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in the Default Category Template
  • Ignore the website item set in templates in drill down/analysis center/site statistics and inherit it from the selected item
  • Occasionally no search events are captured on Mozilla, Chrome and IE 10 when MDS is activated for SharePoint 2013 and 2016
  • Occasionally the same users and groups appear twice in search results in the users and groups filter
  • Added the current website label to Site Statistics reports
  • "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'Description'" error in the User and Groups Updates job when loading users and groups from SharePoint
  • "Could not find matching object in the portal tree" error in Site Statistics reports when the URL contains encoded characters
  • Missing Advanced tab in the "Onsite Searches - Failed vs. Successful" chart report
  • When creating an advanced segment based on a user category, changes are not saved
  • Occasionally the URL and Title columns are swapped when exporting reports to CSV
  • "The failed with an error.  Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tab_farms_location'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tab_farms_location'." error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "Error occurred while trying to get widget data: Index was out of range" error in the Onsite failed search phrases table report
  • Occasionally clicks on external links are not captured in IE 8 in SharePoint 2013, 2016 and Online
  • Some chart widgets are not grouped by dimension
  • "The CREATE UNIQUE INDEX statement terminated because a duplicate key was found for the object name" error in the Active Sites table report when there is duplicate content in SharePoint
  • "Could not load Handler: Object reference not set to an instance of an object." error when editing the CardioLog Diagnostics Service schedule type in System Disagnostics
  • Changed the default minimum value for failed searches in the Failed vs. Successful Searches chart report to 0
  • The Active User Categories chart not grouped by category
  • "Failed to update summary table: Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int." error in the Usage Data Processing job
  • Updated formatting for meter KPI alert emails


  • Enhanced performance for the Yammer Adaptor

Resolved Issues:

  • CardioLog application pool in IIS is stopped after an upgrade
  • Deleted questions and ideas in Sitrion are not marked as deleted in the database
  • Added search phrases drill down options to sample reports and predefined templates
  • Number of results in the Unique Users table report is configured per results page and not for all results
  • SharePoint Categories Source is not available in the User Category Management screen
  • "Exception: Warning! The maximum key length is 900 bytes. The index 'IDX_sharepoint_tree_parentid' has maximum length of 2017 bytes" error in the Portal Tree Updates job

  • "The CardioLog Scheduling Service service terminated unexpectedly." error when executing the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "String or binary data would be truncated. The data for table-valued parameter @Properties" doesn't conform to the table type of the parameter." error in the Social Updates job when importing data from Sitrion
  • "Invalid URL, missing SharePoint item" error when using drill down in table reports 
  • Message bar that is set to disappear after X seconds, disappears and re-appears immediately
  • Incorrect number of clicks in the Clicked By template when drilling down on External Destinations
  • Removed the Clicked by and  Searched By drill down options from several reports
  • Meter widgets are placed on top of other widgets when exporting a report to PDF
  • When importing the SharePoint tree structure using the REST API and the SharePoint Central Administration is not available, items are occasionally marked as deleted
  • Occasionally the user account name is captured as a 'null' value by the Tracking Agent


  • Enhanced performance for the Portal Tree Updates job when importing data from SharePoint Online using the REST API

Resolved Issues:

  • "Cannot read property 'split' of undefined" error in Yammer reports
  • "Invalid column name" error in Yammer reports
  • "Unable to get property 'handleLinksState' of undefined or null reference" in the Tracking Agent in IE 8 mode
  • "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tab_yammer_item' with unique index 'IX_tab_yammer_item'. The duplicate key value is (user_xxxxxxx)." error in the Social Updates job when retrieving updates from Yammer 
  • "The failed with an error.  Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tab_farms_location'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tab_farms_location'. The duplicate key value is (x)" error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "The conversion of the varchar value overflowed an int column." error in installer
  • DB recovery mode is changed from Simple to Full in upgrade to version 3.0.4
  • "Found Records With Same Url In tab_sharepoint_tree_preload Table" error in Portal Tree Updates when importing SharePoint 2016 using the CSV method
  • Syntax Error: "AND operator not followed by a valid <term1>:  near 'TO_TIMESTAMP('  " when importing IIS logs
  • The "Show first level child items only" option in the Page Views and Page Views by Type report is not available on the root level
  • Missing indexes on database table tab_event_log in upgrade to version 3.0.4
  • Survey configured to "show as long as visitor did not answer or closed survey" does not show up anymore after a page refresh
  • When using a custom date range in the Onsite Search Phrases table report, drilling down on a specific search term and selecting the Searched By template, the results are not filtered correctly
  • "All queries combined using a UNION, INTERSECT or EXCEPT operator must have an equal number of expressions in their target lists" error in the Page Views table report when filtering by a group and a user who is a member of that group
  • Message bars do not show up on certain non-SharePoint website pages as the URL is case sensitive 
  • New custom reports do not show up in the reports catalog menu automatically
  • Cannot click on the Next button in the Service Account Dialog in the installer
  • Website Item filter value is occasionally set to undefined in the Analysis Center in upgrade to version 3.0.4 
  • "Error converting data type nvarchar to datetime" when launching CardioLog
  • Ocassionally the search term in search web parts is not captured by the Tracking Agent


  • Added the ability to configure a SharePoint profile database when it is hosted on a separate instance

Resolved Issues:

  • The duration column in the Page Views report is 00:00:00
  • Incorrect results in the Page Views report when selecting multiple items in the Website Item filter
  • Comments under posts are missing when importing SharePoint 2016 using the REST API
  • "404 resource not found" error in the Tracking Agent when included in SharePoint Online sub sites
  • "The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding" error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "Error converting data type nvarchar to bigint" in the Unique Users report
  • "The type or namespace name 'SPWeb' could not be found" error in the Tracking Agent when importing metadata fields
  • Website item filter value ocassionally becomes "Current Page" after an upgrade
  • "The given path's format is not supported" error in the Analysis Center object explorer
  • "Procedure stp_maint_collect_stats, Line 16 The select list for the INSERT statement contains more items than the insert list. The number of SELECT values must match the number of INSERT columns." error in installer on SQL 2014
  • "Could not get context based report. Server response: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in drill down from table widgets
  • "The remote server returned an error: (500) Internal Server Error" error in Portal Tree Updates job when importing items without the Author property from SharePoint 2016 using the REST API
  • "Unexpected end of file has occurred. The following elements are not closed: entityName, prefs, call, calls" error in the Analysis Center when selecting website item with '&' in its title
  • "Prefs textContent not valid, using default one..." error in the Report Center when the widget title contains a single quote
  • "Exception: Operation failed. The index entry of length 1103 bytes for the index 'IDX_sharepoint_tree_load_cov_2' exceeds the maximum length of 900 bytes." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when loading multiple SharePoint farms
  • "The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint FK_tab_sharepoint_site_roles_tab_sharepoint_sites" error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "SCRIPT5009: surveys is not defined" error in multi-page surveys
  • Sub replies are missing when importing SharePoint 2016 using the REST API
  • Extended web applications are not imported to the tree when importing SharePoint 2016 using the REST API
  • Collation error in Yammer reports
  • "Exception: An item with the same key has already been added" error in the User and Groups Updates job when loading users and groups from SharePoint and Active Directory
  • Widgets preferences are blank when website item URL contains parameter "ID="
  • "CardioLog tracking agent deployment failed at step 'Check Deployment Operation'" error in step 2 of the Configuration Wizard
  • Title is missing in reports for some SharePoint 2013 items
  • "SCRIPT5007: Unable to get property 'body'of undefined or null reference" error in IE 8, 9, 10 when tracking SharePoint 2007
  • When loading user categories from SharePoint User Profiles, only the first user is imported
  • Search result click event is ocassionally registered twice when tracking SharePoint 2013, 2016, Online
  • "There was a problem retrieving user categories" error when configuring AD users and groups
  • "Unknown error (0x80005000)" error when testing the connection to AD while configuring AD users and groups
  • "Exception: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Server does not support secure connections." error in System Diagnostics service when sending email alerts
  • "The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when loading SharePoint 2013 using the REST API
  • Cannot select the folder location when copying a report
  • Post titles are blank in the Most Popular Content report
  • Error in Search Phrases report due to invalid search phrases
  • "An item with the same key has already been added" error in the Social Updates job
  • "The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure" error in Mail Settings when sendind a test email
  • Search event is occasionally missing when tracking SharePoint 2007, 2010
  • "The type or namespace name 'SPFolder' could not be found" error in the Tracking Agent when importing social information
  • "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_tab_sharepoint_tree_metadata_records_load'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tab_sharepoint_tree_metadata_records_load'. " error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing metadata
  • Drill down error in the Content Contributors table fails if users and groups were not configured
  • Retrieving user properties from SharePoint in Category Management fails with error "Value cannot be null"
  • "Loading tenant Failed with error: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Timeout expired." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing SharePoint Online via REST API


  • Increased the maximum length of the widget preferences in the database
  • Support for SQL 2016

Resolved Issues:

  • "Error occurred while trying to send email" error when using the Send To option in the Report Center
  • Cannot find AD groups in when using the search option in Roles
  • "Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint 'UQ#tbl_XXXXX'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.#tbl'." error in the Sitrion Community Activity report
  • Social updates job fails to import data from Sitrion when an item contains more than 400 characters 
  • The permissions option is disabled in the Report Center in upgrade to version 3.0.1
  • "Stack empty" error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "You are not authorized to view this report" error when creating a new report the in the Report center
  • "Timeout expired" error in counting inventory in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "Error occurred while trying to send email" error when using the Send To option in the Site Statistics feature
  • Portal Tree Updates job fails when there are deleted records with the same location in the tree structure
  • Removed the "No answer - free text" option from the answer types in Surveys
  • "Object doesn't support property or method in 'get attribute'" error in the Tracking Agent in SharePoint 2010
  • Incorrect sort order in the External Destinations table report
  • "Could not load CardioLogPage from template" error when drilling down on users in the Content Contributors table report
  • "Could not load type 'System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute' from assembly 'mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'." error in the SharePoint Tree Adaptor configuration page under System Configuration 
  • "Illegal characters in path" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when retrieving updates from SharePoint Online
  • When retrieving updates from multiple websites with the Website Tree adaptor and only one of the websites crawl fails, the Portal Tree Updates job fails 
  • When exporting a report to PDF the file size is 0 bytes


  • Track documents opened in Office Web Apps (OWA) in SharePoint Online

Resolved Issues:

  • When drilling down from table widgets in the Site Statistics feature, the report template is blank
  • The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint FK_tab_yammer_items_relations_tab_yammer_item" error in Social Updates job when importing data from Yammer
  • Surveys and message bars do not show up in SharePoint Online in upgrade to version 3.0.1
  • List item views are occasionally registered as search result clicks in SharePoint 2013 on IE 11 and Chrome
  • "Access Denied" error message in SharePoint file explorer (WEBDAV)


  • Track documents opened in Office Web Apps (OWA) in SharePoint 2013
  • Enhanced support for tracking search webparts in SharePoint 2013
  • Ability to configure a regular expression for the user account name format captured by the tracking agent

Resolved Issues:

  • Added a safety mechanism to the Version Maintenance service, to avoid incomplete database transactions
  • "Load error! (Error loading from server)" in the Analysis Center when expanding items with special characters in their title
  • Occasionally the widget preferences window is not opened correctly 
  • Occasionally when in report edit mode, nothing happens when clicking customize date range filter
  • Occasionally when in report edit mode, the Object Explorer view is blank when clicking customize website item filter
  • "Exception: Persist Process Stopped" error in Portal Tree Updates when a deleted tree adaptor identical to an active one exists in the database
  • Occasionally missing service components from the UI under System Configuration > CardioLog Scheduling Service in upgrade to version 3.0.0
  • "Unterminated String Constant" error in the Report Center
  • Configuring user categories from AD is not available in upgrade to version 3.0.0
  • "Object reference isn't set to object instance" error in Portal Tree Updates when crawling a SharePoint Online site collection
  • The Visitor Activity report template is not working in drill down
  • "Failed to truncate table tab_sharepoint_social_follows_load" error in Social Updates job
  • "Timeout expired" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when updating the tab_sharepoint_sites_load table
  • "Exception: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding." error in the Social Updates job
  • Export to CSV in Analysis center shows realtime data only (for this day) and ignores the selected date range


  • Tracking Office 365 OneDrive documents
  • Tracking document library search in SharePoint 2013
  • A click on a list item that is opened in a dialog window is registered as a preview event instead of a view event
  • Added caching for the tracking agent files

Resolved Issues:

  • "The report does not exist" error when changing the date range in the Site Statistics feature
  • "Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'UserNameOld'" error in the Usage Data Processing job
  • The Website Item URL field is "undefined" in the Events table report
  • Occasional credentials prompts in SharePoint Online
  • "Timeout expired" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when creating indexes on the tab_sharepoint_tree_versions_load table
  • "Cannot read property 'questionId'" error when clicking on "Load more" in survey reports
  • "Exception: Subquery returned more than 1 value" error in the Report Scheduling job
  • "The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found" error in the SharePoint Online adaptor when retrieving a page that its owner is deleted
  • Occasionally the survey thank you message does not disappear after X seconds
  • Collation error in the Social Influential Users table report
  • Occasionally the SEO reports button in reports history is not available
  • Missing ID label in Settings > Goals
  • "The SMTP user name is not a valid email address" error in the Report Center in the Share > Send To option
  • Occasionally cannot navigate through table widget results via the bottom paging options
  • Occasionally in chart widgets when selecting a custom date range that includes last year and this year and grouping the results by months, there is no data for this year
  • "Unable to get property 'wid' of undefined or null reference" error when moving widgets in reports
  • Occasionally when implementing the Tracking Agent feature in a Sharepoint Online site collection it is searching for the tracking code on the tenant level
  • When selecting "Show survey results" after submitting a survey, the label "Loading Results..." is displayed even after the results show up
  • User Categories Management configuration screen is hidden
  • New report creation wizards ends with "Next" instead of "OK"
  • "Failed to run bat file: The SharePoint Administration service is not started." error in wizard step 2 fails with error even though the feature installation was completed successfully
  • "(500) Internal server error" when selecting a new published template in the Site Statistics feature
  • The credentials when selecting the "Windows Integrated" authentication type for the AD source in Users and Group Management are incorrect
  • Adding the domain controller server name when configuring AD users and groups is no longer mandatory
  • Missing jQuery in the CardioLog Agent
  • Overflow error in the Onsite Search Phrases table report
  • Missing icons in the Analysis Center for SharePoint Online when site templates are in Japanese
  • Some list items title in the Analysis Center for SharePoint Online ends with "_.000"
  • "Permission refused" error in the tracking agent when a SharePoint page is opened in an iFrame
  • When filtering by date range and selecting "Last X days", the selected value is not displayed correctly when re-opening the widget preferences
  • Removed the Metadata filters from all reports except Page Views and Page Views by Type table reports
  • Scrolling down a page does not trigger a survey and fails with error "unable to get property 'scrollTo'"
  • Added recipients in the Mail Settings configuration screen are not saved unless clicking on Save
  • Average time spent in the Referring Sites table report is displayed in hours:minutes instead of minutes:seconds
  • The report date range label in generated reports is not updated after selecting a new date range
  • "Input string was not in a correct format" error when moving widgets in templates
  • "Could not find based on item" error when drilling down on content items


  • Tracking HTML 5 and SilverLight SharePoint videos 
  • Tracking documents opened in Office Web Apps (OWA) using the HTTP Module for tracking document usage from within Office
  • Ability to ignore searches for the default search keyword in SharePoint 2013
  • Improved handling of JavaScript code conflicts with third party scripts
  • Improved performance for the HTTP Module for tracking document usage from within Office
  • Ability to ignore consecutive views to documents when using the HTTP Module for tracking document usage from within Office (for example when opening a document and then clicking on Enable Editing it generates two view events)
  • Enhanced support for SharePoint 2010 search result clicks tracking
  • Enhanced support for search tracking in multiple subdomains (cookies are stored at the root domain)

Resolved Issues:

  • "Exception: invalid column min_urls" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when retrieving updates from a non-SharePoint site using the Website Tree adaptor
  • "Exception: hexadecimal value 0x0B, is an invalid character" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when retrieving updates from SharePoint Online
  • "Exception: The given key was not present in the dictionary" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when retrieving updates from SharePoint Online with SAP Workflow sites
  • Some folders under document libraries are missing in the SharePoint Online tree structure
  • "The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type nvarchar of the specified target column" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing meta data field values with more than 255 characters
  • "Client found response content type of 'text/html; charset=utf-8', but expected 'text/xml'." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing meta data field values with invalid characters
  • "Column 'nvarcharX' does not belong to table" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when importing meta data fields with the same name from multiple farms
  • SharePoint 2010 posts content type is "Folder" instead of "Post" in the SharePoint tree structure
  • Some list items are marked as deleted in the SharePoint 2013 tree structure in upgrade to version
  • "Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in the Social Updates job when retrieving updates from Sitrion in upgrade to version
  • The external links cookies are not cleared when browsing to a different domain in the Tracking Agent
  • In browsers with JQuery version 1.8 and lower the survey answers of type check box are not captured by the Tracking Agent
  • Search result preview is occasionally captured as a view event by the Tracking Agent
  • No data for list items meta data field of type term set is returned, if the given title of the meta data field in the UI differs from the SharePoint term set title
  • Incorrect results when comparing quarters in the Page Views chart report
  • "Cannot resolve the collation conflict" error in the Most Popular Content table report when the CardioLog database collation differs from the system temp database collation
  • "Index out of range" error message in the Onsite Search reports due to and overflow exception
  • "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'and'" error in the Average Visit Duration (time on site) chart and meter reports when filtering in by Users and Groups
  • "Index was out of range" in Sitrion reports in upgrade from version and up
  • "Cannot resolve the collation conflict" error in the Sitrion reports with widget type table when the CardioLog database collation differs from the system temp database collation
  • Incorrect values for comments, likes, questions and answers in the Sitrion Community Activity table report
  • Missing community site URL in the Sitrion Community Activity table report when the community site is not imported to the SharePoint tree structure yet
  • "Msg 2627, Level 14, State 1, Procedure stp_social_sitrion_community_activity_table, Line 37" Violation of UNIQUE KEY constraint" error in the Sitrion Community Activity report
  • "Parameter is not valid" error when exporting a report with the maximum number of widgets allowed to PDF
  • Exporting a report to PDF creates a blank document


  • Tracking document downloads via the "Download a Copy" menu link (using the HTTP module)
  • Enhanced support for federated identity management (SAML) in the CardioLog tracking agent
  • Enhanced support for retrieving the user ID from SharePoint User Profile web service in the CardioLog tracking agent
  • Improved error handling for retrieving the user ID from the SharePoint SP.ClientContext object in the CardioLog tracking agent

Resolved Issues:

  • "Exception: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'FarmID', table 'CardioLog.dbo.tab_sharepoint_users'" error in the Social Updates job
  • "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown" in the Social Updates job
  • "Exception: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY SAME TABLE constraint "FK_tab_yammer_item_tab_yammer_item". error in the Social Updates job when importing data from Yammer
  • "System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryServicesCOMException (0x80072030): There is no such object on the server." Error in the Active Directory Updates job
  • "Hexadecimal value 0x1A, is an invalid character" error in User Categories Updates job when importing AD attributes 
  • The SharePoint 2013 tree structure is missing root pages under My Sites
  • Incorrect owner and title for My Sites news feed posts in the SharePoint 2013 tree structure
  • The SharePoint Online tree structure is missing root pages under My Sites 
  • Only the first 50 list items in each list are imported in the SharePoint Online tree structure
  • "Index was out of range" error in the Average On-site Searches per Visit report
  • "Could not load report" error in Site Statistics feature when viewing a report for wiki pages
  • "There are no templates for this type of object (null)" error when viewing a report for wiki pages
  • Displaying the survey results hangs after submitting the survey
  • "Value cannot be null" server error in the CardioLog tracking agent after submitting a survey, when using claims based authentication in SharePoint 2013
  • "document.body.windowHeight is undefined" error in the CardioLog tracking agent when displaying a survey or a message bar in IE 7, 8.
  • A page view event is sent only for the first page of search results in SharePoint 2010
  • The Tracking Agent feature in version and up embeds an incorrect path to the tracking agent code in SharePoint 2013 search results page 
  • The plus character (+) in document URLs is decoded incorrectly, resulting in lost events
  • When selecting "Customize..." in the Website Item filter in the Data Export API helper page, the pop up window is not responding
  • Incorrect IP address is registered when tracking documents usage from within Office
  • Excel 2013 documents opened in the browser are not registered when tracking documents usage from within Office


  • Ability to configure the SharePoint user name identification method in the tracking agent
  • Ability to configure a regular expression for the user account name captured by the tracking agent

Resolved Issues:

  • "Exception: Fail to Load (RootSite) - Crawl Operation Aborted." error in the Portal Tree Updates job when retrieving updates from SharePoint Online using ADFS
  • "Failed to load social info from service '_layouts/CardioLogAgent/SocialSrv.asmx'" error in the Social Updates job
  • "Exception: Sequence contains more than one element" error in the Social Updates job when importing data from Yammer
  • "Hexadecimal value 0x1F, is an invalid character" error in the Active Directory Updates job
  • "Failed to migrate temp EventLog items: ..... Message: Incorrect syntax near '*'." Error in the Usage Data Processing job
  • SharePoint 2013 discussions URL in social data does not match the URL in the SharePoint tree structure
  • SharePoint 2013 MySite URL in social data does not match the URL in the SharePoint tree structure
  • Occasionally missing social information (ratings and likes) for discussion replies in SharePoint 2013
  • Occasionally missing social information for Project sites news feeds in SharePoint 2013
  • Occasionally missing social information for My Sites lists and list items in SharePoint 2013
  • Blank user logins in the Followers report 
  • Items that have not been rated are calculated in the average rating in the Average Ratings social report
  • If a user likes an item, un-likes it and then likes it again in SharePoint 2013, the second like is not counted in the Likes report
  • Results in the Followers table report are not filtered by date range
  • The searches column is missing in the Unique Users table report after adding additional custom user attributes columns
  • Survey results do not show up in reports in version and up
  • "Cannot insert NULL into column FarmID" error in upgrade from version and up


  • Enhanced support for SharePoint 2013 in MDS mode

Resolved Issues:

  • The SharePoint 2013 tree structure is missing wiki pages under the site pages list
  • "Exception: Sequence contains more than one element" error in Social Updates job
  • "An item with the same key has already been added" error in the Social Updates job
  • "Error in MakeGetRequest HTTP Status Code: 401" error in the Social Updates job when retrieving updates from Yammer
  • "That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers" server error in the CardioLog tracking agent web application under "_layouts".
  • "Error: MDSLog: MDSFailover: A control was discovered which does not comply with MDS" error in the CardioLog tracking agent feature
  • "String or binary data would be truncated" error in the Users Activity report
  • Blank or 'null' user logins in the Followers report 
  • The Followers and Replies columns are empty in the Most Popular Content report
  • "Name cannot begin with the '%' character" error in the Content Size report 
  • No created date retrieved for attachments in Yammer
  • The Likes column is empty in the Yammer Groups Activity report
  • Error in the Yammer User Adoption chart report
  • No data retrieved for the Yammer "All Company" group
  • Incorrect data retrieved for Yammer praised users and followed users
  • Missing buttons in the SharePoint Online adaptor configuration page on IE 8


  • Enhanced support for SharePoint Online in MDS mode
  • Increase the timeout for retrieving the user account name from SharePoint (SharePoint client context)
  • Enhanced support for claims based authentication user logins in the CardioLog tracking agent

Resolved Issues:

  • The SharePoint 2013 tree structure is missing MySites with template ID 54
  • The SharePoint 2010 tree structure is missing root MySites
  • SharePoint 2013 personal blog sites are missing or empty in the tree structure 
  • "Cannot find column WebId" error in the Portal Tree Updates job when using custom SQL scripts
  • "Thread was being aborted. Couldn't store <-1> in ctype Column. Expected type is Int32" error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "getSiteMap - loadSiteToCache - An item with the same key has already been added" error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "Invalid object name 'Webs'." error in SharePoint 2007 in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "Operation failed. The index entry of length 901 bytes for the index 'IDX_sharepoint_tree_url' exceeds the maximum length of 900 bytes. Error : 1946 Proc: stp_sharepoint_tree_persist Line : 684 END" error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • "There is already an object named 'tab_sharepoint_tree_overflow'\'tab_sharepoint_tree_orphans' in the database" error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • Duplicate records for SharePoint items version updates in tab_sharepoint_tree_versions table 
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" in the Active Directory Updates job
  • "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tab_users' with unique index 'IX_tab_users_useraccountname'" error in the User Categories Updates job
  • "Loading categories failed with error - Could not update Users" error in the User Categories Updates job
  • "Clear cache for: /RemoveCache.aspx?key=GlobalSettings failed. Server error: The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized." warning in the CardioLog Scheduling Service
  • "Could not load HandlersInstances: Cannot find the 'Initial Catalog' key in Util.ConnectionString" error in CardioLog Scheduling Service
  • "Internal error catched in monitoring process - the string was not recognized as a valid DateTime" error in the CardioLog Diagnostics Service
  • No social data retrieved for SharePoint 2013 root sites
  • "Cannot add an entity with a key that is already in use" error in the Social Updates job when retrieving updates from Sitrion
  • "Failed to get yammer access token" error in the Social Updates job when retrieving updates from Yammer
  • JSON error (Syntax error) in the CardioLog tracking agent 
  • The Social Updates job configuration section is hidden when only a license for the Sitrion Adaptor exists
  • When creating a new report from template in the Report Center the Templates list is empty 
  • Missing buttons in the SharePoint Tree Adaptor configuration page on IE 9, 11
  • "Thread was being aborted" error when saving changes in System Configuration > SharePoint Tree Adaptor
  • "This website is already configured" error when saving changes in System Configuration > SharePoint Tree Adaptor
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error when setting permissions on a folder with an apostrophe in its title in the Report Center
  • The Content column is empty in the Followers table report
  • No results found in the Unique Users table report when filtering by the "Country" AD attribute
  • When adding user attributes to the Unique User table report, users with no values in one or more of the attributes are not included in the report results
  • When adding custom columns to the Unique Users table report, the Website Item filter becomes "Current Page"
  • The results in the Unique Users table report are not sorted by views when adding custom columns 
  • "Index is out of range" error in the Unique Users table report 
  • No results found in the Unique Users table report when filtering by the "Country" AD attribute
  • When filtering the Page Views by Type table report by type with the "Show aggregated values for child items" option enabled, the results are also filtered by type
  • Incorrect sorting in the Page Views table report when displaying the top results only
  • Incorrect domain names in the Referring Pages report
  • "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int" error in the Referring Pages report
  • 'null' value in the Source column in the All Traffic Sources table report
  • No data in the Average Onsite Searches per Visit report if the average number of searches per visit is < 1
  • Incorrect data retrieved for followers in the Yammer Influential Users report
  • The SharePoint item location in tree is not initialized in the fix lost events script
  • Incorrect URL Mapping for SharePoint posts
  • "Cannot retrieve past WFE quota warnings: Previous warnings count is invalid" error in the CardioLog UI after applying a WFE license
  • "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in the Report Center when the system locale is Turkish.
  • The browser type parameter is not sent when using the CardioLog Server-Side API (Events.asmx)


  • Support claims based authentication in the CardioLog HTTP module for tracking document usage from within Office
  • Support for JSON on IE8 in the CardioLog Tracking Agent

Resolved Issues:

  • The SharePoint Online tree structure is missing documents under specific folders
  • "Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error in the SharePoint Online adaptor
  • "Exception: Invalid object name 'tab_sharepoint_tree_new', Error: 208 Proc: stp_sharepoint_tree_work_set_extention_size, Line : 43" error in the Portal Tree Updates job.
  • "Exception: Persist Process Stopped Please View Log" error in the Portal Tree Updates job.
  • "Exception: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding" error in Portal Tree Updates job
  • Incorrect tree structure when the SharePoint web application ID is identical for all web applications
  • "Exception: Cannot run crawl job: 'Crawling failed with error: Report already loaded to DB'" error in the Website Tree adaptor
  • The license quota for SEO crawl jobs is enforced for the website tree crawl jobs as well
  • "Loading results..." message is stuck on IE after submitting a survey, when selecting the "Show the survey results" option in the thank you message behavior for the survey
  • "There are less than 2 urls in the crawl" error in the Website Tree adaptor
  • "The configuration section 'rewriter' cannot be read because it is missing a section declaration" error when configuring the Shorten Links module
  • "Error: A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections." Error in the Social Updates job
  • "The conversion of a varchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value" error in the Usage Data Processing job
  • "Error: siteColllectionParts.Length != 20" when loading site collections list in SharePoint Online Adapter from a csv file
  • Incorrect report link when using the Send To option in the CardioLog Usage Reports feature for SharePoint.
  • Posts URLs contain the RootFolder parameter in the SharePoint 2010 tree structure
  • Server error 500 in saving survey responses in SharePoint 2013 when using claims based authentication
  • The same results are listed several times in the Navigation Summary report
  • "Invalid column name 'tp_DocId'" error when importing documents and list items versioning information for SharePoint 2007 lists and libraries
  • Debug mode is enabled in for several web applications in CardioLog
  • "URIError: URI malformed" JavaScript error in the CardioLog Tracking Agent when searching for keywords with special characters
  • A random anonymous user ID is generated by the CardioLog Tracking Agent when the SharePoint user account cannot be retrieved
  • "Object does not support this property or method" JavaScript error in IE 7,8 when overriding the logic of the indexOf function
  • An SEO job configured for a sub-site returns results for the parent site
  • "401 Error" in the SEO Reports crawl
  • Incorrect links count in the Broken Links report
  • Historic SEO reports occasionally do not appear in the UI when opening it from a remote workstation
  • The SendEvent function in the CardioLog server side API does not return the event ID. 


  • Improved error handling in the tracking agent, when the SharePoint 2013 search pages are customized

Resolved Issues:

  • "Exception of type 'System.OutOfMemoryException' was thrown" error in the Portal Tree Updates job.
  • "Input string was not in a correct format" error in the Portal Tree Updates job.
  • The Portal Tree Updates job fails to refresh the tree structure when using the Website Tree adaptor, when the Page URLs crawled by the adaptor do not match the existing page URLs in the tree structure (it is case sensitive).
  • "Exception: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding" error in the Portal Tree Updates job.
  • "Arithmetic overflow error converting expression to data type int." error in the Portal Tree Updates job.

  • "Exception: The given value of type String from the data source cannot be converted to type nvarchar of the specified target column" error in Active Directory Updates job when the user display name is longer than 200 characters.
  • "Failed to get yammer access token" error in the Yammer adaptor, when trying to connect to Yammer.
  • "The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY SAME TABLE constraint "FK_tab_yammer_item_tab_yammer_item". The conflict occurred in database "CardioLog", table "dbo.tab_yammer_item", column 'UID'." error in the Yammer adaptor, when retrieving Yammer groups.
  • "Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string." error in the Yammer adaptor settings page
  • "You do not have permissions to view this report" error when using the Site Statistics feature in site lists and libraries, with SharePoint based report permissions enabled.
  • User categories columns added to the Unique Users table report occasionally disappear

  • Incorrect navigation reports when clicking on multiple documents on the same page.
  • The "Page Views" report returns results for SharePoint deleted items
  • "Error converting varchar to bigint" error in the Search Destination Pages report

  • Server error 500 in EventCollector/monitor.asmx
  • Page URLs for sub-domains are not included in the tree structure when using the Website Tree adaptor


  • CardioLog Free Edition - number of Surveys, Visitor Segments and Message Bars is reduced to 3, the number of page views per month is reduced to 50,000, history data is kept for 6 months, the IIS Logs Import tool is not included
  • New filters for the Page Views table report

Resolved Issues:

  • Portal Tree Updates job fails with error: "The given value of type String cannot be converted to nvarchar"
  • Portal Tree Updates job fails with error: "Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.tab_sharepoint_welcomepages_load'"
  • Portal Tree Updates job fails with error: "Timeout expired", when loading document versioning information
  • Portal Tree Updates job fails with error: "Exception: Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'xxxxx0' to data type int"
  • Portal Tree Updates job fails with error:  "Operation failed. The index entry of length 912 bytes for the index 'IDX_sharepoint_tree_load_url' exceeds the maximum length of 900 bytes."
  • Cannot add more than one SharePoint Online environment
  • The environment variable in Administration > System Configuration > Usage Tracking code > SharePoint Online is "SP2013" instead of "SPOnline"
  • Website Tree Adaptor - the crawl fails when a page URL contains apostrophe (')
  • Surveys and Message Bars do not appear in SharePoint 2013 on IE 8
  • JavaScript error in SharePoint when SP.ClientContext is undefined
  • Cannot select the language in the Configuration Wizard - Step 1
  • Product features in Administration > Product License page are not in alphabetical order
  • The Active Sites table report is not populated with data
  • SharePoint Online Adaptor - the process is terminated when there are network issues or no permissions to access site collections/sites/sub-sites
  • Enhanced handling of session state in the Event Collector web application when configured with NLB and hosted in SharePoint


  • Custom black list rules - for example filter out single page visits to the home page
  • Site Statistics Feature - auto-activated farm level feature
  • Ability to import all log entries (not just specific file extensions) from IIS logs
  • New UI for configuring multiple SharePoint farms and web applications
  • New UI for the Diagnostics Dashboard
  • Disable system E-mail alerts in weekends
  • Save log files from the System Diagnostics dashboard
  • Learn more/Configure links in Administration intro page
  • Black List rules by User Agent and Workstation IP
  • Display a warning for system components scheduled to run once or never in System Diagnostics
  • Display the tracking code in System Configuration
  • Support MDS mode in SharePoint 2013
  • Enhanced performance for archiving usage data
  • Activate commercial license keys in the Product License page
  • Support for SharePoint default list views
  • Extended logging for the tracking agent
  • License for a custom number of page views
  • Undo quarantined events (requires license)
  • Display a warning in the UI for system components that are currently running in System Diagnostics and do not send email alerts
  • Automated procedure for initializing and re-mapping lost events
  • Goal ID in Goals dashboard (for sending goal events using the Extended Tracking API)
  • Configurable batch size for SQLBulkCopy in Portal Tree Updates SQL mode
  • Dropped unused database tables - summary navigation and SharePoint tree backup
  • Do not force "DOMAIN\User" format for user name in custom user categories web service
  • Exclude SharePoint hidden and internal system lists from the tree structure (i.e. "Workflow History")
  • Send page views quota email alerts only once a day and not every hour
  • Support duplicate SharePoint IDs in the Usage Data Processing service
  • Include black list events in page views license quota

Resolved Issues:

  • Copy report breaks when the report contains by URL widgets
  • IIS Logs Import tool license is ignored
  • SharePoint 2013 usage tracking breaks on IE 8
  • E-mail alerts are sent to administrators when system jobs are not scheduled to run (set to "Never")
  • When setting the Visitor Segments filter from the widget preferences window, they are not saved
  • Scheduled crawls do not appear in the SEO reports dashboard
  • Support for the same UI elements on different pages in Behavioral Targeting
  • "There is a duplicate 'system.web.extensions/scripting/scriptResourceHandler' section defined" error in the Redirect module
  • Table widget exported to web part is displayed without the widget title header
  • Surveys, goals, AB/MVT tests and Behavioral Targeting rules break when there is space or capital letters in the page URL
  • Average Number of Page Views report breaks error when filtering by date range - This/Last Hour
  • Cannot select UI elements from the dropdown after creating them in IE 10
  • A Java Script error occurs in SharePoint when no style sheets exist on the page
  • Removed the web.config file from the CardioLog root installation folder
  • "Validating AD xml failed with error:'', hexadecimal value 0x1F, is an invalid character" error in the Active Directory Updates job
  • Do not allow configuring the website tree adaptor for a SharePoint farm that is already configured
  • Hide SEO jobs from the website tree adaptor page
  • Support WFE quota license for > 10 WFEs
  • No hyperlink for pages in SEO reports
  •  'CardioLog Analytics' SharePoint Feature installation fails on MOSS 2007
  • Improved error handling for SharePoint Tree Adaptor SQL mode
  • Cannot edit the Term and Content fields per tracking link in a campaign
  • Error in Usage Data Processing when configuring black list rules by date range
  • "Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.tab_users' with unique index 'IX_tab_users_useraccountname'" in the User Categories Updates job
  • The CardioLogAgent.js file is missing from the CardioLogAgent directory
  • Alert when trying to add a template name that already exists
  • The templates dashboard is not refreshed automatically after deleting a template
  • "System.InvalidOperationException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to obtaining a connection from the pool. &nbsp; This may have occurred because all pooled connections were in use and max pool size was reached" error in the CardioLog UI
  • Prevent the loading of multiple tracking agents
  • The Goal Funnel report breaks when "Require all Steps" is set to "No"
  • Menus in the Analysis Center open in the wrong location in IE 10
  • Error when trying to delete a template or drag & drop widgets in a template that is based on another template
  • The title of SharePoint folders under document library in the tree structure is ID/Owner and not the folder name
  • Duplicate content in CSV when exporting a report with a large amount of data
  • Behavioral Targeting rules on UI elements with no SharePoint ID do not work in IE
  • The Visitor Segments filter value is duplicated in the top preferences pane after clicking on "Go"
  • The aggregated size of items in the tree structure is not calculated correctly for deleted items
  • The right click menu is disabled in SharePoint search results gets disabled sometimes
  • The results are not group by page URL in the Next/Previous Pages reports
  • "Invalid object name 'tab_iis_log_import_temp'. " error in IIS Logs Import
  • Alert cannot be dismissed when reaching 85% of page view quota
  • No space between the source domain and the referring page in the "Referring Pages" report
  • Cannot edit templates in CardioLog Standard edition
  • Incorrect start time for the fix lost events process
  • Score events do not work
  • A Java Script error in \LAYOUTS\SP.UI.Rte.js when using Suite modules
  • A JavaScript error " 'null' is null" occurs in SharePoint 2013 in IE 8
  • Usage Data Processing hangs on "Creating temp duration events..."
  • Behavioral Targeting breaks for duplicate URLs
  • When the report name contains & and it is sent via email, the email content is invalid
  • Error comparing different date ranges in chart widgets when selecting one week ago
  • System Diagnostics services status dialog is blank
  • Cannot export a report to web part when the report name contains &
  • The Visitor Segments filter value becomes ":" in the top preferences pane after clicking on "Go"
  • Cannot select more than ~20 website tree items in the Website Item filter in reports
  • Error in drilldown by Unique Users: Could not get context based report. Server response: Invalid entity id, missing SharePoint item


  • Support for Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Support for IE 10, IE 11

Resolved Issues:

  • Incorrect sort order in Recently Viewed report
  • The Average Duration report breaks when filtering by date range - Last Month
  • Goal dialog breaks when the Goal URL is longer than the dialog width
  • Index was out of range error in the "Referring Sites", "Referring Pages" and "Search Engines" reports
  • "Sub query returned more than 1 value" error in the SharePoint Tree Adaptor
  • "Syntax error: Missing operand after 'ae01d1' operator" error in the SharePoint Tree Adaptor
  • "Arithmetic overflow" error in the "All Traffic Sources" reports
  • The SharePoint administration ribbon gets disabled sometimes, after adding content
  • The Average Duration report breaks when using German number formatting
  • Visit duration is not calculated correctly for page URLs with Danish characters
  • The Visitor Activity report can be filtered by Website Item and Date Range
  • A JavaScript error occurs when clicking on the SharePoint 2010 list ribbon, in Chrome
  • A JavaScript error occurs when clicking on the MOSS 2007 Tree View
  • Drilldown breaks for page URLs with Danish characters
  • Template names in the template dropdown do not appear in alphabetic order in reports accessed via the SharePoint site actions menu
  • Cannot filter by AD groups when using PII Concealment
  • Cannot search for page URLs with Danish characters in the object explorer
  • Unable to view the report descriptions when clicking the question mark icon in reports accessed via Email and the SharePoint site actions menu
  • SharePoint CSS styles are sometimes not applied correctly
  • Error in the SharePoint Tree Adaptor (SQL Mode): "Operation failed. The index entry of length 904 bytes for the index 'IDX_sharepoint_tree_load_url' exceeds the maximum length of 900 bytes".
  • The transaction log for database 'tempdb' is full error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • The transaction log for database 'CardioLog' is full error in the Portal Tree Updates job
  • Could not allocate space for object '<temporary system object>' in database 'tempdb' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full error in the Portal Tree Updates job


  • Default timeout for loading segment info (CA) is now 5 seconds (was 10)
  • The tracking agent now waits for segment info to load (CA)
  • Enhancements to the "CardioLog Analytics" SharePoint solution
  • Performance enhancement to the tracking agent
  • The tracking agent is loaded immediately, and not on page load
  • The tracking agent cookie is now saved across sub-domains
  • "Keep alive" method is used for tracking time on page

Resolved Issues:

  • Issues with publishing templates
  • Occasions when the client time is saved into the event
  • Occasions when no report results for meter set to a single day period
  • Inconsistent data in the Navigation Summary report
  • Cannot run service in very small intervals
  • Unique Visitors table - when adding a custom column to the report the data is not displayed correctly
  • Cannot add multiple website items to existing report filter
  • Cannot use "*", "," for content in MVT variations (UI elements)
  • URLs for A/B test are case sensitive
  • Cannot update MVT variation in IE 8
  • When saving an A/B tests, the segments dropdown have duplicate values
  • Shorten links page did not auto refresh when deleting a link
  • Variation in split test is displayed when status is inactive
  • No indication in UI/logs when SEO fails due to lack of memory
  • Cannot save a MVT test when decimal numbers are in European format (1,00 instead of 1.00).
  • Some aggregate segments do not work
  • Goals inactive state is cached
  • Incorrect admin preview for Behavioral Targeting
  • Cannot copy segment
  • SEO URL limitation is not enforced


  • Improved support for document versioning reports for SharePoint 2010
  • Tracking code implementation with the "CardioLog Analytics" SharePoint solution
  • Fine tuning automation for usage events
  • Clip extended log files (such as SP2010Tree, CardioLogUI)
  • Improved performance for the Usage Data Processing service in case of over 100,000 temp events
  • IIS Logs Import - support for anonymous websites and non-SharePoint websites, import summary is saved to a file

Resolved Issues:

  • A JavaScript error occurs when browsing through paged results
  • No results in reports when filtering by portal item with Nordic characters in its name
  • The following reports are missing the advanced tab (preferences) - Portal Inventory Chart, Failed Internal Searches Meter, Top Page Views Ratio Meter, Search Failure Rate Meter
  • When the PII Concealment feature is enabled, it is possible to filter a report for a single user by entering the user name manually and clicking "Add"
  • A JavaScript error occurs when opening search results in Object Explorer (in Analysis Center), then closing the popup window and then trying to open it again
  • When creating a report from template, the following error appears - "Error loading data from server"
  • Object Explorer search and item properties do not return results when the total size of all SharePoint tree items > 4 GB
  • The Average Visit Duration and Average Number of Unique Users reports display wrong decimal units in report generated mode
  • A JavaScript error occurs when calling the CardioLog Agent client-based API function "SendEvent"
  • Configuration Wizard freezes in step 3
  • SharePoint site deleted in Object Explorer when the site welcome page is changed
  • Missing search events when 0 search results in SP 2010
  • Cannot select the report location in copy report
  • "By URL" reports fail when URL contains parameters
  • Cannot right click a report opened in a new browser window/tab
  • Duration events occasionally fail in IE9 standard mode
  • Duration events occasionally fail when using multiple browser windows/tabs
  • Tracking agent - last search event id is occasionally incorrect
  • Browser intranet zone is not required for "Add Control" menu
  • Enable text paste in the Portal Item text box for "By URL" reports


  • Canceled prerequisite - SQL Server 2005/2008 Command Line Query
  • Canceled prerequisite - SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components

Resolved Issues:

  • Top groups report fails when applying filters
  • Cannot Export to PDF after changing report date


  • Prerequisites - .NET Framework 3.5, Microsoft Chart Controls
  • Use of "Microsoft Chart Controls for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5" which replaces Dundas Charts

Resolved Issues:

  • Portal Updates fails for irregular document extensions [over 49 chars]
  • IIS Log Import - some URL query strings are removed
  • Reports - Users filter fails when excluding multiple users
  • External Destinations report fails for "This Month"
  • Reports - when changing the date range for a generated reports, no data is returned for the current day
  • Drill down fails when template contains the "content contributors" or "portal item types" table reports
  • When selecting multiple items in the Object Explorer window, the "selected objects" text box gradually disappears
  • Export To Excel in report generated mode doesn't show meters and charts
  • Export to Excel fails due to invalid characters
  • Roles are deleted when edited by 2 users concurrently
  • System Configuration - cannot change date for "Delete History Data" when working with en-US
  • Cannot search users in the Object Explorer permissions dialog
  • Report help text is always displayed if opened once
  • Report table sorting fails for cached data
  • Cannot generate report when table data includes invalid XML character
  • Templates for the deleted object are retrieved
  • Tracking Agent - when performing a SharePoint search, then clicking on a search results, then performing a second search, the "LastEventID" is not registered correctly
  • The table preferences window opens slowly for over 1000 AD groups
  • The Site Statistics feature breaks for SharePoint 2010
  • Cannot copy/paste in dialog windows
  • JS error when clicking on a reports folder


  • Assign the CardioLog administrator role to the CardioLog Service account

Resolved Issues:

  • Page Views table report - support for 'min count = 0'

  • Reports API helper - cannot change time interval when using the Pro edition
  • Portal Actions report - error on weekly aggregations
  • IIS log import - cannot find logparser path for x64 platforms
  • "Refresh" filters appear for meters in Analysis Center
  • Handle broken browser sessions ids
  • License expired page is displayed even though the activation key is valid
  • Export to Excel fails when data contains invalid characters and formats
  • Missing duration events when switching between browser tabs
  • Delete history data fails for UK date format
  • Portal Tree Updates fails for long URLs
  • Event processing is limited to 10000 events per hour
  • Invalid characters in report title
  • Report Center - Cached values in meters
  • Drill down fails for reports with no AD filter
  • Case sensitive user account names in AD Updates
  • Chart date interval defaults to "hourly" for custom date ranges
  • Disable report drill down from web part
  • Database schema updates are performed automatically using Microsoft SQL Server Data-Tier Application Framework (x64) 
  • "Cannot read property 'split' of undefined" error in Yammer reports
