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The Engage Campaigns report contains several widgetsvisuals, ready to be quickly filtered by the Campaign Activity Date (how long the campaign was actively running) slider, or by campaign by clicking a specific campaign from the Top Campaigns widgetvisual. To further analyze specific campaign responses use the Campaign Overview report. Additionally, each of the graph widgets visuals can easily be drilled down simply by clicking on the relevant data point. All widgets in the report will respond accordingly to any drill down or filter.

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Engage Campaigns Usage Report




Campaign Channels

This widget displays the status of given campaigns. The longest bar is the status that most campaigns have. The shortest bar is the status that the least campaigns have.

Campaigns by Channel

This widget uses a horizontal bar chart to display how many campaigns chose a given channel. The bar at the top is the channel used by the most campaigns and the bar at the bottom is the channel used by the least campaigns. visual displays the number of campaigns by channel type.

Campaign Audiences

This visual displays the number of campaigns by audiences.

Engagement Rate

This widget visual shows the campaign interactions (engagements) out of how many people also viewed the campaign. If it is at 0% it's because there is no data for campaign views.

Engaged Users

This widget shows visual shows the average percentage of users who are engaged with campaigns.

Average Campaign Viewers

This widget shows visual shows the average of the unique viewers from each campaign.

Campaign Audiences

This widget displays how many campaign creators chose a given audience. The bars go from longest to shortest. In other words, the first bar represents the audience that was most commonly chosen for campaigns and the last represents the least commonly chosen.

Campaign Goals

This widget shows goals that people chose for campaigns and includes how many campaigns used the goal. The size of the squares represents how many campaigns there were for a given goal. In other words, a bigger square means that more campaigns chose that goal.

Campaign Activity

This widget shows the campaign interactions (engagements), campaign unique viewers, and campaign unique engaged users. The coloring and stacked bar chart represents the amount of people belonging to each of these categories.

Top Campaigns


Top Campaigns

This visual shows the top campaigns ranked by the number of campaign views, as well as their owner, channel type, interactions (engagements), unique viewers, and percentage of engaged viewers. The percentage of engaged viewers is calculated based on how many of the campaign viewers actually interacted with the campaign.

To further analyze specific campaign responses click on Drill through and select the Campaign Overview report.

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Top Campaigns Report

Campaign Activity

This visual shows the trend of campaign views, interactions (engagements), unique viewers, and unique engaged users over time.


Campaign Start Date


The Campaign Overview report contains several widgetsvisuals, ready to be quickly filtered by a specific campaign and the Campaign Activity Date (how long the campaign was actively running) slider. Additionally, each of the graph widgets visuals can easily be drilled down simply by clicking on the relevant data point. All widgets in the report will respond accordingly to any drill down or filter.

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Campaign Overview



Campaign Overview

This widget card visual displays campaign information including the campaign's title, descriptioncampaign message, status, creation date, owner and creatorstatus, as well as the campaign goal, audience, channel, trigger and response type (call to action).

Campaign Activity

This widget visual shows the campaign views, campaign interactions (engagements) , and campaign messages closed, campaign unique viewers, campaign unique engaged users, average campaign views per user and call to action.

Campaign Viewers

This visual shows the number of campaign unique viewers.

Campaign Responses

This widget visual shows the campaign responses. If the campaign has no call to action, this report won't show any results.

Engaged Users

This widget visual shows the users who engaged with the campaign and responded to it. If the campaign has no call to action, this report won't show any results.


Campaign Name

This filter allows you to choose a specific campaign to view data for.
