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Assuming the SharePoint backup farm has an identical, redundant set of portal URLs to identical content to the live farm (identical content URLs and SharePoint IDs) and CardioLog is importing the tree structure directly from the SharePoint database (supported on SharePoint 2013 or lower), follow this procedure to prepare for a SharePoint farm failover:


    • Go to Administration System Configuration SharePoint Tree Adaptor > click on your SharePoint farm
    • In the SharePoint Tree Adaptor dialog, fill out the following fields for the backup farm:
      -      Database Server - The SharePoint database instance name.
      -      SharePoint Configuration Database Name - The SharePoint configuration database name. eg,. "SharePoint_Config"
      -      Authentication - Database authentication type (Windows Integrated or SQL Authentication).
      -      SharePoint TEMPLATE Directory - This is the full path for the SharePoint TEMPLATE directory. eg,. "\\<sharepoint server name>\C$\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\XX\TEMPLATE\" (Where XX is 12 for MOSS 2007; 14 for SharePoint 2010; 15 for SharePoint 2013; 16 for SharePoint 2016)
    • Click Apply, and then click Save.

      SharePoint Adaptor System Configuration Preference Window