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SEO reports Reports help you to see view your website as a search engine sees it. They The reports can tell help you how to improve the content and structure of your website , by identifying SEO violations like broken links and performance issues, in order to boost the number of converting visitors coming to finding your site from organic searches. For more information about the available SEO reports please see our Reports our SEO Reports Catalog.

  • Schedule SEO web crawls for your website
  • Refine a crawl by predetermining its depth (max numbr maximum number of URLs)
  • Get an SEO report for every crawl job
  • Pinpoint SEO violations 

Add Crawl
Add Crawl
How to add a new Crawl to your web site

  1. Click Click the Add Crawl  Crawl button and fill in the parameters
    Add Crawl
    upper right hand corner of the SEO main window.

    Image Added
    SEO Main Window

  2. You may now enter the New Crawl parameters
    You can schedule the crawl to run . Choose a Name
  3. Choose when you would like to schedule your SEO Crawl. The crawl can run every day, on a specific day, or and at a specific time every each day. In additionOnce an SEO Reports Crawl is saved, you can make it run immediately by clicking also choose Run Now at  from the bottom right hand corner of the page (once it is saved).
    See the following example for how to create a new crawl.
    Crawl exampleany Reports page.

    Image Added
    New Crawl Window

  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page. Once the crawl is saved. you will be able to see it in the main SEO user interface, where you will also see different columns of current information from the last scheduled job.
    To view more information on other scheduled jobs, click History.

    Image Added
    SEO Reports Main UI Window with crawl exampleCrawl Example

Crawl History
Crawl History
Crawl History

The History page shows you all the previously scheduled crawls and the ones that are currently running. It gives you an idea of the crawls status, the amount of URLs counted, and the duration of the running time and reports.

Crawl History

There 6 available table reports for each successful job:
