Versions Compared


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  1. Create a new EventCollector web application on your WFE. For the new web application, create a dedicated application pool. Set ASP.NET version to 4.0 and grant the application pool account the "db_owner" role on the CardioLog database. Set the web application authentication method to Anonymous access (disable Windows Authentication).
  2. Copy the files from the CardioLog server [CardioLog Installation Directory]\EventCollector to the new directory.
  3. Copy the files from the CardioLog server [CardioLog Installation Directory]\Setup Files\SLP SLPS to the new directory under \EventCollector\bin folder.
  4. Execute the following command on your WFE: Slps.Runtime.Configuration /Install
  5. Contact us to receive the required license for the EventCollector web application and apply it using the License Admin tool (\EventCollector\bin\Microsoft.Licensing.LicAdmin.exe).
  6. Create a new CardioLogAgent web application on the WFE. For the new web application, create a dedicated application pool and set ASP.NET version to 4.0. Set the authentication method of the web application to Windows Authentication (disable Anonymous access).
  7. Copy the files from the CardioLog server [CardioLog Installation Directory]\CardioLogAgent to the new directory.
    : When deploying the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint feature for usage tracking, there is no need to create a new CardioLogAgent web application.

  8. Edit the following keys in the CardioLogAgent\web.config file, located in the <appSettings> section and enter the NLB FQDN, where [domain name] is the NLB FQDN for the web applications.


    <add key="EventCollectorPath" value="http[s]://[domain name]/EventCollector/monitor.aspx" />
    <add key="CardioLogAgentRoot" value="http[s]://[domain name]"/> 

    : When the EventCollector and CardioLogAgent web applications are installed on your SharePoint WFEs under each SharePoint web application _layouts folder, edit the following keys in the CardioLogAgent\web.config file, located in the <appSettings> section, where [domain name] is the SharePoint web application FQDN.


    <add key="EventCollectorPath" value="http[s]://[domain name]/_layouts/EventCollector/monitor.aspx" />
     <add key="CardioLogAgentRoot" value="/_layouts"/>

  9. Edit the following keys in the Java Script tracking code:


    cad.src = 'http[s]://[domain name]/CardioLogAgent/getCAData.aspx?r='+Math.random();
    ca.src = 'http[s]://[domain name]/CardioLogAgent/ca.aspx?u='+document.location.href;
    tt.src = 'http[s]://[domain name]/CardioLogAgent/AgentEmbed.aspx?env=[SharePoint version]';

    : When deploying the CardioLog Analytics SharePoint feature for usage tracking, there is no need to edit these keys (the default value is "/_layouts").

    By default, the Java Script tracking code is embedded within a common Java Script file on your SharePoint WFEs -

    For MOSS 2007 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\12\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\core.js

    For SharePoint 2010 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\14\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\1033\init.js

    For SharePoint 2013 only:
    C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS\init.js

    The code is located at the end of the file, between these comments: //Intlock tracking code start, and //Intlock tracking code end

    [domain name] - the NLB FQDN for the web application.
    [SharePoint version] - MOSS2007, SP2010, SP2013, SP2016 or SPOnline

  10. In the CardioLog database, edit the URL column in the tab_management table by executing the following SQL script:

    Use CardioLog

    update tab_management set url = replace (url, '[Old URL]', '[New URL]')
    where name = 'EventCollector'

    [Old URL] - http[s]://CardioLog-machine-name:port
    [New URL] -
     http[s]://[domain name]
